in #wisdom6 years ago (edited)


When you don't know what God is going to do with you, when it pass you will not know.

[proverb 10-15] 'The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty',why are we talking about wisdom for supernatural abundance in the midst of scarcity ?

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It is because Gospel is a good news and is God solution to human proble? that is what gospel is all about and one of the greatest problems that man is facing right now, apart from the problem of 'sin' is the problem of 'ECONOMIC HARDSHIP' because hell has broken loose against man in times of danger, death, terror, and most especially in times of economic hardship.

So the gospel is meant to show man God solution to his problem and also, don't forget that given your life to Christ is not an escaping route to heaven but it simply means testing heaven while you are on earth while the holy ghost which helps you in connecting to heaven means the heavens brought down into the earth so where ever the holy ghost is at work heaven is brought down and in heaven there is no lack in heaven so the holy is also the abundant of heaven drag into the earth.

Furthermore,there are three ways that holy ghost bring down the abundance of heaven.

  • it shows us heaven on the earth from the Bible.
  • it shows us what to do to plug into it while we are on earth.
  • when we follow in obedient then we will test heaven on earth.

One of the keys to survival in the midst of scarcity

KNOWING THAT POVERTY IS A DESTROYER: poverty is not a friend but a destroyer and the destruction of the poor is his poverty and don't forget that poverty is one of the chemical that kill the strength of vision and passion toward your goals in life,according to my research I came to discover that a lot of people don't know that poverty is of the devil and they don't see as evil, so if you allow it, it will destroy everything you have.

According to John 10-10 says: ''the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy, I am come that they might have it more abundantly.

So let us apply the principle that you use in fighting sickness, demon, attack, e.t.c to fight poverty in other not to for it to swallow you and your destiny up and don't forget that if it not dealt with by the father it will follow to the son and it is until you know that poverty is evil before the passion to overcome it will come alive in you.

The day you know that poverty is an evil then you will start getting tired of it and you will start developing the passion to come of it. But mind you that blaming somebody for your failure will not help you in coming out of poverty so stop blaming people because the more you blame people the more you remain in poverty and it will continue to kill your passion of coming out of it therefore, learn to take responsibility of your well being so that you will not find yourself in total poverty

you have not failed until you start blaming someone for your failure and to blame is to delay.

According to Luke 15:17:''and when he came to himself, he said, how many hired servant of my father to have bread a enough and to spare and I perish with hunger''

For things to change for you, you must stop looking for somebody to blame,knowing that your abundant is in your hands because the way you handle your financial capacity will determine your level of abundant don't forget that abundant means having resources in surplus in all areas of life for total satisfaction and always remember that it not only your salary that make you rich but it what you do with your salary that makes you rich.

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How Satan makes God people poor and kill them in poverty

  • Through ignorant:This lead to unbelieve and disobedient in times of knowing what to do and not doing it.
  • Through complaisance and lack of vision:This simply means to be satisfy with lack of progress and change of level it also means to be sleeping when things are not working and when you don't have a vision you lack character, when you don't have a vision you also lack discipline and if you don't have a vision again it also means you lack integrity. Get the vision in other to have integrity.
  • Through evil travel and demonic attack:This simply means that if your life is not under the cover of Jesus, your vision will be exposed to demonic attack and don't forget that no child of God is created to be poor.

according to mark7:27.''but Jesus said unto her, let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children bread, and to cast it unto the dogs''
what to do to come out of poverty practically

  • The way of righteousness and integrity.

according to proverb 8:18:''Riches and honor are with me; yea durable riches and righteousness

  • Dedication and diligence

The covenant way (giving of tithe and offering with the sowing of seed) Malachi 3:8-10:

  • Walking in the wisdom of God

  • Faith in God and not in man: looking unto man is like signing into littleness, so stop looking unto man if you must come out of poverty.

  • Spiritual fervency and fire: it is until your life is on fire before you can over the power of poverty.

  • Having only God as your source: Gen 14-22-23

  • Believing God gala 3-6

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