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RE: Keep Your STEEM Powered Up, or Power It Down, Your Choice
Interesting learning what goes on behind the scenes.
It is amazing how many times people come up with a winning formula, and then mess with success.
As with many, when I joined, I took it to heart and voted for some witnesses. Then, at the fork, I read of so many of them supporting the flagging vote, even encouraging it, and I realised they want to censor us, so I removed most of my votes.
Since then, I've lost the feeling of needing to help Steemit achieve its potential.
Flagging isn’t censorship. You are confusing curation and flagging opinions.
Everything is still on the chain.
I've had this debate before and I will sstick to my opinion. As for what you said, you are proving then that google, twit and facebook are not censoring anyone - the data is still there, you just have great difficulty in getting to it. Human nature being what it is, then people just go to what they can see.
I've never been against flagging for bad things like child porn or egging on people to kill, for instance. But, whatever your political beliefs, nobody should be allowed to flag.
I've been an ardent fan of Steemit and even I am thinking of moving, despite only having been flagged a couple of times, because the flagger did not like my anti-vaccine posts, but I do not like seeing others being flagged because the flagger has the power to do it.
I shall not be responding to more discussions on this subject - since you insist everything is on the blockchain, go back to see my detailed arguments. Surely it would not be necessary for me to repeat them?
Comparing centralized servers such as Google and Facebook to Steem is nonsensical, at best. If you cannot access to flagged posts on Steem, the issue lies solely on you.
For all flags for beliefs, you need to pay a visit to @freezepeach.
I'm 100% for flagging plagiarism and spam.
Plagiarism! Really!?
Half the flags I have seen for plagiarism, was despite the material coming from the blog of the same person - and though he states it is so, he is ignored.
Enforcer, I do not wish to discuss this with you anymore, as you obviously do not treasure free speech, so please go your way and leave me to mine - as I do not respect people who have your beliefs and we will only end up insulting each other.
I check those. Most of the times, THEY ARE NOT. You must be very selective in what you choose to read.
I no longer want to discuss it with someone who overdoes his "muh decentralization".
You don't know what free speech means.
Since my polite request was ignored - you are MUTED
You are too weak, and easily agitated. Nothing you said was polite. Please stop the delusion.
Oh wait, never mind. It's someone who thinks they are morally "superior".
Flagging does suck, as it gets abused by the powerful here.