The "Golden Hour?" Nope... This is the BLUE Hour!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #winter6 years ago

Photographers and painters often speak of "The Golden Hour;" that last hour before sunset where everything seems "warm" because of the color of the sun's light being viewed through a particularly thick layer of atmosphere.

I know this time well, because (as you probably know) I love photographing sunsets.

What I had forgotten is that in the snowy part of winter it would more appropriately be called "The Blue Hour."

After snowfall; 5:15pm

We don't get a lot of snow around here, but I grew up with quite a bit of it, in Denmark. And I had sort of forgotten just how blue the light becomes, during the last 30-45 minutes before dark.

These pictures were actually taken while there were still a few snowflakes falling.

It probably looks cold. It is...

We're having a bit of a "winter event" around these parts. Evidently enough to make the news in other parts of the US... although I don't really think it's all that much of a big deal.


Because there is absolutely no wind, even the tiniest of twigs catch the snow

Not entirely related to this post, but this is when the "permanence" of the blockchain is kind of fun. I can put this post together, and my grandkids might be able to look at it, when they have grandkids of their own.

At least that's how it's supposed to work, in theory.

So far, we have only had about 4-5" of snow... which is not super unusual. In fact, it happens most winters here. What's pretty unusual for these parts is this forecast for the next 10 days:


In the 13-odd years I have lived here, I have not seen a prolonged wintry spell like this.

Tip of the hat to @everittdmickey: How's THIS for "global warming?"

Well, in case y'all have gotten a bit chilly around the edges, here's a genuine "Golden Hour" photo... this from a few years back, taken near Tomales Bay in Marin County, California.


Seems rather far off, at the moment...

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190208 22:13 PST



So After snowfall; 5:15pm, is the blue hour? Well that's awesome, I mean look at the beauty, I don't really know how it seems to last I compared it to the original golden hour photography where it seems photographers love the most and I can say that those two are more than amazing if you ask me, I mean golden can be more than one colour haha

Both are beautiful times of the day, in their own ways. As much as anything, noticing the "blue light" yesterday reminded me of my childhood in Denmark, where it was often snowy in the wintertime.

We very seldom have snow here in South Africa, but I will remember the "Blue Hour" if I see snow again in my lifetime! I also have many sunrises and sundowns and also direct shots of both the sun and the moon. You are right about the silence in the early mornings, as it is the best times! Blessings!

Yes, I can't recall seeing very many pictures of snow in South Africa, although my stepdad lived in Johannesburg for a while and said it could get "bloody cold" in the winter.

Here in the U.K. and especially the part where I live, there isn’t much snowfall at all however in recent days the blue hour has hit us and not many of us are happy hahaha...

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Pretty as is might be, the "blue hour" also affects those who are more impacted by the "winter blues." Way back when I lived in the UK, it was down around Bournemouth and parts of Somerset... and snow was much of a rarity; as I recall, there are actually palm trees in Bournemouth...

I like that hour too. But the early morning sunrise is my favourite...

Sunrises are definitely beautiful, as well... and I like them because they are often accompanied by a "stillness" in the world, before most people get up and start being "noisy" and industrious.

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