Before Roswell there was the Battle of Los Angeles. William Tompkins, Gene Roddenberry and their connection to Naval Intelligence. How is that Space Futures Workshop Air Force Space Command going? You Decide by looking at the documents!
What I have always found interesting about Tompkins, beside the fact that I have always loved hearing his stories, is he experienced this himself. As a boy he saw so much go down and then throughout his life.
He had an Amazing Skill Set and was not co opted by the educational system that Rockefeller and Carnegie got involved in, so he had a true Eyes On education and experience. It is always fascinating to hear his interactions and what he observed concerning people in High up positions in the military and secret, yet not so secret space program as they love to not only do these things right under people's noses, but also right to their face as a Poke in the Eye!
According to the Freedom Articles and interviews William Tompkins gave,
Tompkins explains how the ultra secretive group MJ 12 began it actually began in 1942 – not in 1947 after Roswell as many imagine. It began with the senior Douglas (the man who started the company Douglas).
Tompkins states that right after Battle of LA in 1942, in order to handle the implications of UFOs openly showing themselves in the skies, that Douglas pulled some key men into a group (or think tank) which later became MJ 12.
The group included 2 admirals and 2 generals, one of whom was Curtis LeMay – another man who disliked JFK and who, during the Cold War, was prepared to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. Robert Wood states that MJ 12 is mostly associated mostly with Air Force, not other branches of the US military.
Yet in hearing Thompkins speak, he talks a great deal about a NavalIntelligence Group.
During WW2, US Navy operatives were embedded inside the Nazi military. They were able to get data (including pictures) of the Nazi UFOs and relay the information back to the US. Tompkins explains how the information went through his superior, Rico Botta, who chose an ingenious way to handle the subject: by not classifying it all. If he had given it top secret classification or another high classification, it may have attracted unwanted attention. So, he chose to not classify it at all! This is the technique known as hiding the truth in plain sight.
According to Wood, the US Navy started back engineering UFO craft in 1942 (with permission from Forrestal) before MJ 12 came into existence. It took the Navy around a decade to produce functional UFO craft, but they did so eventually. Tompkins went on to join TRW, an important space think tank which was formed around 1958-59 according to him. It also came out of a Douglas think tank (just as MJ 12 had). It had unlimited funds. Northrup borrowed money and bought TRW. They also bought the US Navy’s ship building company that builds aircraft carriers – so they could take their engineers to crawl all over 790ft aircraft carriers so they could design a 1km space craft carrier.
Tompkins was assigned the job of handing out packages containing this information to the CEOs and leaders of private military corporations. Unfortunately, the packets didn’t contain good schematics or drawings of the Nazi technology, but were rather like chicken scratch with very little technical information. They even contained hieroglyphics (not the German language) since the operatives accessed the actual channeled information that had come via Maria Orsic!
Thompkins claimed some of the hieroglyphics were from beneath the pyramids.
n various interviews such as with Jeff Rense, Tompkins puts forth his theory that our moon is not a natural object but rather an artificial object and command center. This aligns with what other researchers such as David Icke have warned about. Our moon doesn’t rotate, and neither do other moons of other planets. Conventional physics explains this is because of a tidal lock, but is it perhaps because these artificial objects are hiding something on their dark sides facing away from their host planet?
Tompkins states that when the first astronauts went to the moon, they were shocked to discover it was already occupied – by Draco Reptilians. He says the Reptilians, over 9 foot tall, were standing there next to their advanced craft. He jokes that the Reptilians “gave us the finger” (i.e. acted in an unfriendly manner). According to both Tompkins and Wood, the Reptilians had already made a deal with the Nazis.
Amazingly, Tompkins himself claims he saw ancient structures on the far side of the moon and that he saw a floating building – 1.5 miles above the lunar surface!
For Tompkins, the entire Apollo 11 mission was a show. All the astronauts were Freemasons. He states that Freemasons put the plaque on the moon first, then got back in the module to do the “Neil Armstrong” show. Perhaps Armstrong should have said: “One small step for Man, one giant leap for Masonry.”
William Tompkins likes to say throughout his interviews that “everything you’re told is a lie”. He claims that many of the systems and sciences we pursue, such as astronomy, medicine, etc., have been seeded with lies to trick us. This harks back to his claim that every government on Earth right now is under Reptilian control. Whether that turns out to be true or not remains to be seen, but certainly, so much deception has already been uncovered in so many areas of life that it is wisest to remain open to this possibility.
Now, fast forward to 1942, where the tale begins for Tompkins. The world is exactly in the middle of World War 2. The 2 brutal dictators Hitler and Stalin are commanding armies engaged in long battles with high fatalities on both sides. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to almost the entire world population except for a few insiders, the Nazis are deep into a secret UFO project. Having obtained plans and schematics from a group of female channelers (one of whom was named Maria Orsic), the Nazis already have operational UFO craft, such as the Haunebu.
During all of this, almost on the other side of the world to Moscow, on February 24-25, 1942, UFOs fly over the LA sky for hours. Tompkins, who is still a boy in high school, watches the UFOs all night. The incident later becomes known as the infamous Battle of Los Angeles. Several weeks later he is pulled out of high school to work in the military, and his life takes on a whole new direction.
According to William Tompkins himself, he was recruited at a young age by the Navy due to his precocious ability to build highly accurate model ships. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950. There he worked as a draftsman under a group partly controlled by Navy personnel who used to work for James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy from 1944-1947 and Secretary of Defense from 1947-1949, a man who also took JFK under his wing and who may have been responsible for JFK’s later interest in UFOs. Forrestal was said to have jumped or fallen out of a high window and thus died in suspicious circumstances. It appears he knew too much and had to be eliminated because he went against the prevailing NWO agenda of secrecy regarding the alien issue. Apparently, Forrestal was an ET contactee. Forrestal chose Admiral Rico Botta, who in turn chose William Tompkins. It seems both Forrestal and Botta were guided to choose someone under them who was open to the extraterrestrial reality, someone who could handle the (colossal) truth.
Rear Admiral Rico Botta was an extremely busy man during World War II. In addition to his official daytime naval duty as “Assembly and Repair Officer” at Naval Air Station, San Diego, in the evenings he led a covert Navy program operating with 29 spies embedded in Nazi Germany’s most advanced aerospace programs which were developing antigravity flying saucers.
According to retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins; from 1942 to 1946, Admiral Botta seamlessly performed his official and covert Navy duties. The covert program learned from the Navy operatives (Lieutenants in rank) that the Nazis had developed up to 30 prototypes of antigravity craft, some of which were capable of space flight.
It was Admiral Botta’s duty to understand both the war and post-war potential of the Nazi aerospace programs, and disseminate the relevant technical information acquired by the spies to his Navy superiors, and also select U.S. aerospace companies, think tanks and government laboratories.
Tompkins job was to assist Admiral Botta by physically taking the briefing packages created during the covert program to organizations with the technical expertise to understand the Nazi designs and prototypes, assess their feasibility, and incorporate them into the war effort, if possible.
Tompkins did this approximately 1200 times. Each late night debriefing session was run by the Admiral, with one or more out of a pool of three Navy captains in attendance, along with Tompkins and a stenographer to record the sessions.
After the official end of WWII, Botta went on to play a key role in starting a U.S. Navy led secret space program filling a number of positions until his final “official” assignment at Naval Air Material Center, Philadelphia, from 1950 until his retirement in 1952.
Admiral Botta’s covert program was first publicly revealed in December 2015 by Tompkins in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials.
Here Tompkins released a document revealing his mission orders as a Disseminator of Naval Aircraft Research and Information, and explained how he would deliver briefing packages to various aerospace organizations.
Tompkins also released a document issued by Navy Secretary James Forrestal, which formalized the technology acquisition program headed by Admiral Botta within the newly created Office of Research and Inventions on May 19, 1945.
These two exit passes confirm Admiral Botta’s direct role in the covert Navy program. It is hard evidence that Botta was leading a covert program at Naval Air Station, San Diego, which was authorized by Secretary Forrestal, as Tompkins has claimed.
Confirming Botta’s role in the covert program described by Tompkins has been elusive up until recently. Botta’s background and expertise would remain a mystery until researchers at combined their efforts to find an official biography on him.
Botta’s biography was published on the website of the “Golden Eagles,” an organization formed by naval aviators back in 1956. Curiously, Botta’s biography was only made available in March 2016, four months after Tompkins’ Selected by Extraterrestrials was published and publicly identified Admiral (Rico) Botta (mistakenly spelled in the book as “Rick Obatta”).
This occurrence, five years after the Golden Eagles website first appeared in 2011, is oddly coincidental, and suggestive of “official approval” for the release of Botta’s biography into the public arena.
Despite the curious timing of its release, there is no reason to question the accuracy of Botta’s biographical details as found on the Golden Eagles website.
Evaluating Admiral Botta’s various commands and expertise will help considerably in determining whether or not he was capable of running the covert Navy Spy program alleged by Tompkins, and whether Tompkins testimony itself is credible.
One of the first issues to address about Admiral Botta’s background is his rank while stationed at Naval Air Station, San Diego. His official position as “Assembly and Repair Officer” in normal circumstances would be filled by a Captain.
This is confirmed in the citation for his award of the “Legion of Merit” after WWII for his time at San Diego:
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Legion of Merit to Captain Rico Botta, United States Navy, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as the Assembly and Repair Officer, U.S. Naval Air Station, San Diego, California from 31 December 1942 to the termination of hostilities in August 1945.
Yet, on January 11, 1946, after the award of his Legion of Merit, Botta was retroactively promoted to Rear Admiral, spanning back to June 30, 1943. The Congressional record refers to the retroactive promotion due to a temporary assignment which meant that his position as ‘Assembly and Repair Officer” had aquired flag officer responsibilities.
It’s feasible that his temporary appointment as Admiral was due to the wartime responsibility of “Assembly and Repair Officer” expanding significantly beyond the normal command level involved during peacetime operations. This is certainly the view of WWII historians such as Ken McCanliss, who points out that Botta is among “a list of 58 Navy flag officers who were given retroactive promotions reflecting war time rank.”
It’s also possible that his temporary rank of Rear Admiral was due to him performing additional duties of extreme importance to the Navy, commensurate with the rank of Rear Admiral. This is what Tompkins’ two May 1945 documents suggest in terms of a covert technology acquisition program that reported directly to Secretary Forrestal.
According to Tompkins, Forrestal directly intervened in ensuring Botta’s temporary promotion to Rear Admiral since that was required for the covert program that Botta would head. It would certainly make a difference for Tompkins’ briefing packages to be taken seriously if he was working for a Rear Admiral, rather than a Navy Captain, when he delivered them to leading aerospace companies.
Furthermore, Botta’s background as an Australian citizen (he emigrated to the U.S. in 1908 at age 18), and not being a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, would likely have created additional hurdles to advancement to flag officer rank.
Botta’s promotion supports Tompkins claim that in addition to Botta’s official “daytime” duties, he also performed covert duties at night, in running the Navy spy program out of Nazi Germany, which required a flag officer to be in command. It’s worth emphasizing that Tompkins recalls that when he began working under Botta in 1942, the latter wore the uniform of an admiral.
We can now examine some of Botta’s other Naval assignments to assess whether he was capable of running a covert espionage program out of Germany to learn about its aerospace secrets.
According to his biography, Botta worked for the Bureau of Aeronautics for two periods. First from 1921 to 1924, and the second time from 1937 to 1942. During his second stint, he worked in the Engineering Division Material Branch and later was the head of the Power Plant Design Section.
Here is what we know of the Bureau of Aeronautics from Wikipedia:
The Bureau of Aeronautics (BuAer) was the U.S. Navy’s material-support organization for naval aviation from 1921 to 1959. The bureau had “cognizance” (i.e., responsibility) for the design, procurement, and support of Naval aircraft and related systems.
These two assignments confirm that in 1942, Admiral Botta had nearly nine year’s experience in a variety of areas associated with aircraft engineering, design and power supply. This had contributed to him developing a “superior and outstanding technical knowledge” as described in his “Legion of Merit” citation:
Captain Botta, by his superior and outstanding technical knowledge and skill, his great administrative ability and his constant devotion to duty enabled this Department to meet the ever increasing demands of the Fleet Air commands for combat aircraft of the latest type and with the latest combat-proved changes installed.
The citation is consistent with what Tompkins claims Botta was doing at the Naval Air Station with the covert operatives in Nazi Germany. It refers to Botta learning about the “latest type” of combat aircraft and changes to improve combat readiness for US Navy aircraft.
Consequently, if the Navy had spies embedded in Nazi Germany, then Admiral Botta would have been an ideal choice as someone who could debrief them, adequately assess the technical information involved, and pass on relevant information to select aerospace companies and think tanks for further study and development, as Tompkins contends.
Admiral Botta’s career after WWII took him into positions that were directly involved in the study of antigravity technology that could help start a US Navy secret space program.
According to Thompkins he joined the Navy as a Third Class Seaman and worked his way up.
Hear about the underground facilities and how he took packages to China Lake at around 24:40 min.
All these packets got carried to all of the top Research Universities and all of the Navy Research facilities.
He states he didn't take the first package to Cal-Tech in Pasadena, but instead took their first package to China Lake which are underground facilities out on the dessert called China Lake. Just north of the Air Force Facilities off Highway 395.
Thompkins says people do not get what has happened.
His point is people have been told for thousands of years incorrect information from medical, history, science, astronomy, mathematics, just about anything you can name.
The operatives that went into Germany to get this information were spies. Tompkins verifies they saw the craft with their own eyes and got inside, then took photos and became part of the package delivered to Ricco Batta.
Tompkins states that for him, Ricco Bata was selected because he had not been indoctrinated as others had.
The same for Tompkins, he was pulled out of his first year of High School mid way through and put into boot camp. He states, he didn't have all of these fancy degrees as some of them did, yet he was Selected!
He delivered packages which later became known as being part of the Secret Space Program.
Unconventional Propulsion Schemes
A document from a Think Tank at Douglas that Tompkins was part of.
No confidential stamp
No Secret Stamp
Tompkins flew the Admirals air plane to Lockheed, Naval Development Center and other locations like the War Minister of Pennsylvania to deliver these packages of documents.
He flew to all the top secret facilities.
Not one document given had Classified on it in any way given to them, everyone Knew it was far above Top Secret.
No document was stamped.
They felt if it wasn't stamped it would not be noticeable and people wouldn't make a big deal over it.
An interesting way to handle the most classified subject on the planet Tompkins says.
1942 The Los Angeles Sighting.
He and his brother had rented an apartment in Long Beach.
This was a large home that had been broken into for apartments.
2nd floor, 30ft. ceilings down below.
Only 4 blocks from the ocean, all across the back of the house was a great big balcony.
One day around 5:30 at night, his dad told he and his brother to get up from looking at their newspaper and magazines to get up and come to the deck.
They could see a little spot just above the trees and rooftops, which kept them from seeing the ocean from this area.
They saw a beam come out of the spot of light at about 16 degrees.
Then a beam hit and lit up all the trees, rooftops backs of the houses and the boys moved back, hit the wall, then leaned forward and grabbed the railing and then it was gone.
At about 1:30 all the aircraft guns started firing. They got up ran outside and looked at a large craft parked at about 7,000 ft. Tompkins had already flown every air craft the Navy had and he said there were 8 search lights on the bottom of this vehicle. All these shells were bursting on the bottom of this vehicle on a continuous basis for an hour and 30 min. as it just hovered.
All around it and above it different vehicles were coming.
It was what was called the Battle of Los Angeles.
He said there dozens upon dozens of different shaped vehicles.
Everyone was outside watching.
There were vehicles going on both sides of it.
When the aircraft would go underneath the large craft, the search lights would shine on them and follow them.
This went on for an hour before hey got bored and went back to bed.
This continued to go until about 5:30.
Many of the other people outside watching on the street stayed up all night long.
At the same time, on the other side of the world the Germans were bombing London.
No one got scared, got nervous or ran into the house in fear.
No one got sick, no one died.
The only people killed in this were from our own shrapnel.
They found out later people watched the same sighting from Santa Barbara, San Diego.
Tompkins felt there were only two ways what was going on could be accomplished.
Either the same ships were going over the water, then out and back again to look like there were more, or there were dozens and dozens of ships.
There was an electromagnetic shield
During these battles the people in lead positions set up a secret think tank within days.
Douglas was one of them others
Curtis Emerson LeMay (November 15, 1906 – October 1, 1990) was an American Air Force general who implemented an effective but controversial strategic bombing campaign in the Pacific theater of World War II. He later served as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force from 1961 to 1965.
LeMay joined the U.S. Army Air Corps, the precursor to the U.S. Air Force, in 1929 while studying civil engineering at Ohio State University. He had risen to the rank of major by the time of Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and the United States's subsequent entry into World War II.
As Chief of Staff of the Air Force, he called for the bombing of Cuban missile sites during the Cuban Missile Crisis and sought a sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
After retiring from the Air Force in 1965, LeMay agreed to serve as Democratic Governor George Wallace's running mate in the 1968 United States presidential election.
Bobby Ray Inman (born April 4, 1931) is a retired United States Navy admiral who held several influential positions in the United States Intelligence Community.
According to Budiansky, after joining the Naval Reserve during the Korean War, Inman then "rocketed up through the ranks of naval intelligence".
became the director of the National Security Agency. Inman held this post until 1981. His last major position was as the deputy director of Central Intelligence, a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982.
While simultaneously acting as the NSA director and the CIA deputy director in early 1981, he modernized the collection process by setting up a joint facility in College Park, Maryland. According to Budiansky, Inman did so by "sending memos back and forth to himself approving his solutions."
After retirement from the Navy, he was chairman and chief executive officer of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in Austin, Texas for four years and chairman, president and chief executive officer of Westmark Systems, Inc., a privately owned electronics industry holding company for three years. Admiral Inman also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 1987 through 1990.
President Clinton nominated him as Secretary of Defense, but he withdrew his nomination
Inman has also served on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dell Computer, SBC Corporation (now AT&T)[8] and Massey Energy.
In 2011 he became head of the board of directors of Xe Services, formerly Erik Prince's Blackwater and now known as Academi.[9] As of 2013, he sits on the board of directors of Academi.
In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Defense Secretary, his critics speculated that the decision was motivated by a desire to conceal his links to International Signal and Control (ISC).
In 2006, Inman criticized the Bush administration's use of warrantless domestic wiretaps, making him one of the highest-ranking former intelligence officials to criticize the program in public.
Bobby Ray Inman became the No. 1 admiral.
Sr. Douglas, two Navy Admirals and two Army Air Corp Generals in a meeting while the Battle for Los Angeles went down.
Going to come back in.
Based on research and a listen of Tompkins interviews first one here,
Placing the following for safekeeping until article can be completed.
Randy Cramer from USMC (ss)
We Do NOT give consent to their Radical attempts and mandates! #WeWILLPrevail!
We will not Heel, Submit nor Roll Over for their attempts to Force and Bully us!
To all former family and friends who support their agenda we give NOTICE.
We're NOT going to take it!
We're Right, We're Free, We'll Fight. . .YOU'LL SEE!
Oh, you're so condescending, your gall is never ending
We don't want nothing, not a thing, from you
Your life is trite and jaded, boring and confiscated
If that's your best, your best won't do
If that's your best, your best won't do.
BTW it's Too late to apologize. Ask the Creator for forgiveness. We will forgive but NEVER forget! All the Pain and show down is so we Don't forget! We were told by High Command!
FB Post link here,
Need more in all of these NOW
In William (Bill) Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse he states the following,
Other possible intel to consider,
Has the Prime Directive been released by the Galactic Federation?
You decide!
Are they? What proof of this exists?
From Sept. 19, 2021
France accused Australia of concealing its intentions to back out of the 90 billion Australian dollar ($66 billion) contract for French majority state-owned Naval Group to build 12 conventional diesel-electric submarines.
![Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 8.36.05 AM.png]
According to the following article,
France helped pioneer the development of air independent propulsion (AIP) technology, which the state-owned company Naval Group now export along with vessels.
UPDATE Oct. 2020
The codes and frequencies embedded into earth's global communications and satellite systems originally set up by the C_a used by the dark forces have been re calibrated to the higher frequency used by the planetary defense grid. These higher frequencies are unhackable making it impossible for these dark forces to control the global internet. Not saying they don't still have their brainwashed and mind controlled out there trying to reek havoc and push their obvious agenda.
Have the servers controlled by the cabal been taken down?
Was all that is owned and controlled by the C_a also neutralized?
Have the lower damaging frequencies from these servers been changed?
Are they now under the Earth's Global Alliance [Those on the side of good around the world that have combined with those who are benevolent and the white hats]?
Does this end the backbone of the global internet being controlled by the C_a and their cabal overlords they answered to?
Remember what DARPA claimed the Arpanet was created to do?
Weapon against them?
Who standing up for themselves threaten their control?
What did God say about a weapon formed against the Sons and Daughters of God?
Isaiah 54:17
King James Version
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
So a 9 and a 17
I=9, S=19, A=1, I=9, A=1, H=8 Total is 47 which encodes 11.
A 17 flipping their 911 on them?
You decide.
See connecting frames here dealing with Nuclear Sub secrets sold to an FBI agent using the Moniker Alice and Alice was used in a note from McAfee on his telegram.
Andria Puharich
born Henry Karel Puharić — was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, physician and author, known as the person who brought Israeli Uri Geller (born 1946) and Dutch-born Peter Hurkos (1911–1988) to the United States for scientific investigation.
one of seven children born to Croatian immigrants.
His father had emigrated from what was then the Austro-Hungarian Empire, entering the U.S. in 1912 as a stowaway.
At home Karel's parents always called him "Andrija," which apparently wasn't his name at birth but just his parents' nickname for him.
During World War II, Puharich attended Northwestern University as a student in the Army Specialized Training Program.
He earned an undergraduate degree in philosophy and pre-medicine in 1943 and received his M.D. from the Northwestern University School of Medicine in 1947.
His residency was completed at the Permanente Research Foundation in Oakland, California, where he specialized in internal medicine.
From 1953 to 1955, he served as a captain in the Army Medical Corps; in this capacity, he was assigned as Chief, Outpatient Service, U.S. Army Dispensary, Army Chemical Center, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland.
By this time he was already presenting papers on the possible military usefulness of paranormal phenemona.
During that time, he was in and out of Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories and Fort Detrick, meeting with various high-ranking officers and officials, primarily from The Pentagon, CIA, and Naval Intelligence.
The Edgewood Arsenal is currently officially called the Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Puharich was impressed by the stories about the Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos and invited him to the U.S. in 1956 to investigate his alleged abilities (see below). In 1960, Puharich investigated materialization séances at Camp Chesterfield, but discovered the use of cheesecloth being used to fake ectoplasm.
Ectoplasm (from the Greek ektos, meaning "outside", and plasma, meaning "something formed or molded") is a term used in spiritualism to denote a substance or spiritual energy "exteriorized" by physical mediums.
In 1971, Puharich met Israeli psychic Uri Geller and endorsed him as a genuine psychic.
Puharich wrote a supportive 1974 biography of Geller, a subject he had investigated with the help of Itzhak Bentov, among others.
He also investigated and thought favorably of the Brazilian psychic surgeon Zé Arigó, providing an afterword for his 1974 biographer.
Puharich also investigated Mexican psychic surgeon Pachita. One of his books is The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity, describes his work with psychics.
In the 1970s, Puharich claimed he had investigated the effects of a low frequency radiation beam that the Soviet Union had been testing.
According to Puharich the beam was based on the work of Nikola Tesla and could be used as a weapon to control people.
He also claimed the beam was responsible for climatic disturbances, earthquakes, Legionnaires' disease and violent riots.
Puharich wrote Tesla was contacted several times by extraterrestrials.
Puharich played himself on Perry Mason television series, in the episode, "The Case of the Meddling Medium," in 1961. He conducted a series of three tests to help determine the ESP of Mason's client accused of murder. During the third test, the actual murderer was exposed.
Two of the most famous of Puharich's 50-plus patents were devices that assist hearing: the "Means For Aiding Hearing" U.S. Patent 2,995,633 and "Method And Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy" U.S. Patent 3,563,246". He was also granted a U.S. Patent 4,394,230 in 1983 for a "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules."
His research included studying the influence of extremely low frequency ELF electromagnetic wave emissions on the mind, and he invented several devices allegedly blocking or converting ELF waves to prevent harm.
While working in Mexico, Puharich married and later divorced Rebecca Alban Hoffberger, the future founder and director of The American Visionary Art Museum.
Rebecca Alban Hoffberger,
America's official national museum for outsider art, located in Baltimore, Maryland. A colorful public figure, she has been called “the P. T. Barnum of the outsider art world“.
As a child, she suffered a bout with rheumatic fever which left her with painful episodes in her legs and periodic paralysis. "During these periods of illness, Hoffberger found Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses particularly comforting and therapeutic.
She also enjoyed more macabre literature, however, and was drawn to fellow-Baltimorean Edgar Allan Poe at an early age."
At age 16, she was accepted to college but turned down the offer to study with the celebrated French mime Marcel Marceau in Paris, becoming the first American ever to do so. In a 2013 Baltimore Magazine article, Hoffberger said, “My parents wanted me to stay in Baltimore and learn to be a secretary or have a practical fallback, but they were very accepting.”
While living in Paris, she met and married a ballet dancer who would become her first husband, and after moving back to the United States, gave birth to a daughter, Belina. Hoffberger worked as a development consultant to both a literary society and a ballet company, as well as holding a position at the Boulder Free School in Colorado before eventually moving to Mexico with her daughter.
While in Mexico, she met and married her second husband, Andrija Puharich, a notable physician and parapsychologist who was studying traditional healing practices. (Puharich is perhaps best known for bringing Israeli psychic Uri Geller to the United States.) Hoffberger spent three years with Puharich helping to deliver babies in remote mountain areas in the state of Morelos, and although this marriage also ended, it produced Hoffberger’s second daughter, Athena.
After making her way back to Baltimore, Hoffberger began work as the development director for Sinai Hospital’s "People Encouraging People," a program which provided support to institutionalized psychiatric patients in facilitating their return to the community. She then married her third husband, LeRoy E. Hoffberger — a wealthy attorney and heir of a philanthropic Baltimore family that formerly owned a brewery and a stake in the Baltimore Orioles — who was 27 years her senior.
Hoffberger spoke fondly of the psychiatric patients in a 1995 interview with American Style, "I was so impressed with their imagination. I looked at their strengths, not their illness." It was while working with this program that Hoffberger began to develop the idea for a “visionary” museum, the idea which eventually blossomed into the American Visionary Art Museum, or “AVAM.”
After working with patients at Sinai Hospital’s “People Encouraging People” program, Hoffberger became focused on developing her idea of a "visionary museum”—a facility that would specialize in showcasing the work of self-taught, "visionary" artists, and serve as an education center that emphasized intuitive, creative invention.
In February 1989, the American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM) was incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The City of Baltimore offered the organization exclusive development rights on the property located at 800 Key Highway—formerly the 1913 offices to the Baltimore Copper Paint Company.
Hoffberger began fundraising efforts and received an initial $250,000 planning grant from USF&G, soon followed by a cumulative $2.4 million challenge grant from the Zanvyl & Isabelle Krieger Foundation, matched by many generous private and public grants, along with $1.3 million in bonds issued by The State of Maryland to finance the construction.
On November 24, 1995, the American Visionary Art Museum opened to the public. In her inaugural address, Hoffberger stated that “...the American Visionary Art Museum opens its doors of perception not in an effort to make war on academic or institutionalized learning, but to create a place where the best of self-taught, intuitive contributions of all kinds will be duly recognized, explored, and then championed in a clear strong voice."
AVAM’s Seven Educational Goals:[8]
Expand the definition of a worthwhile life.
Engender respect for and delight in the gift of others.
Increases awareness of the wide variety of choices available in life for all, particularly students.
Encourage each individual to build upon his or her own special knowledge and inner strengths.
Promote the use of innate intelligence, intuition, self-exploration and creative self-reliance.
Confirm the great hunger for finding out just what each of us can do best, in our voice, at any age.
Empower the individual to choose to do that something really, really well
Hoffberger stated
“I think a good museum does more than just have objects that stand there on pedestals. The great ones are all muse-based, connecting viewers to the heart of inspiration." In a 2013 NEA Arts Magazine interview, she remarked, "Visionaries perceive potential and creative relationships where most of us don't. Without visionaries' willingness to be called fools, to make mistakes, to be wrong, few new 'right' things would ever be birthed.”
At the time of the museum’s 1995 opening, it was reported that Hoffberger’s rejection of academic scholarship and her refusal to follow tradition had upset prominent members of the art world. Hoffberger is known as a renegade in the art world, assuming a posture of self-conscious eccentricity. But she has been criticized for her lack of interest in conventional art history and conventional museum practices. (For example, she refuses to hire a professional art curator.) A 2000 article in The New York Times quoted an art authority who referred to her as “a self-aggrandizing dilettante rather than a serious champion of the works her museum exhibits”.
Despite all this, the museum has won the support of collectors, critics, and the public through its exhibitions that examine the relationship of art to the human condition rather than to the canon of art history.
Back to Puharich,
In December, 1952, Puharich invited Hindu mystic D. G. Vinod to one of his channeling sessions. During the experiment Vinod went into a trance and claimed to have contacted a group of entities calling themselves "The Nine".
Puharich was impressed by the stories about the Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos and invited him to the U.S. in 1956 to investigate his alleged abilities. Hurkos was studied at Puharich's Glen Cove, Maine, medical research laboratory under what Puharich considered to be controlled conditions.
The results convinced Puharich that Hurkos had genuine psychic abilities.[9] However the experiments were not repeated by other scientists.[10] Puharich was described as a "credulous investigator."
Raymond Buckland has written "with the exception of Dr. Andrija Puharich, not a single recognized psychic investigator has been impressed with Hurkos's performances."
Puharich met Uri Geller in 1971 and endorsed him as a genuine psychic. Under hypnosis, Geller claimed he was sent to earth by extraterrestrials from a spaceship 53,000 light years away.
Geller would later deny the space-fantasy claims, but affirmed there "is a slight possibility that some of my energies do have extraterrestrial connection."
In 1974, Puharich claimed he had observed Geller transmute base metal into gold by psychic power. Puharich also stated that Geller teleported a dog through the walls of his house. Martin Gardner wrote as "no expert on fraud was there as an observer" then nobody should take the claim of Puharich seriously. His paranormal claims about Geller were criticized by the psychologist David Marks.
In his biography of Geller, Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller (1974) Puharich claimed that with Geller he had communicated with super intelligent computers from outer space. According to Puharich the computers sent messages to warn humanity that a disaster is likely to occur if humans do not change their ways.
Puharich is said to have conducted some form of hypnosis with Greta Woodrew at Lab Nine on his estate in Ossining, New York. It was through these sessions that Woodrew allegedly made psychic contact with extraterrestrial beings.
Council of 9
Was Star Trek meant to be a bridge during the Temporal Wars?
You decide.
Was it a potential timeline that needed to be embraced in order for it to manifest into humanity's reality?
You decide.
The US Navy's Secret Space Program?
Space Force. it based on a Star Trek future?
You decide!
It appears that,
The future Starfleet would offer military protection for commercial and civil space activities. The rebooting of US Space Command in August 2019 and the creation of Space Force as a new military service four months later were critical steps towards the creation of this Star Trek Future.
Was there a connection between the US Navy, Gene Roddenberry and the Star Trek Series?
You decide!
Gene Roddenberry
Roddenberry grew up in Los Angeles, where his father was a police officer. Roddenberry flew 89 combat missions in the Army Air Forces during World War II, and worked as a commercial pilot after the war. Later, he followed in his father's footsteps and joined the Los Angeles Police Department, where he also began to write scripts for television.
Roddenberry majored in police science at Los Angeles City College, where he began dating Eileen-Anita Rexroat and became interested in aeronautical engineering.
He obtained a pilot's license through the United States Army Air Corps-sponsored Civilian Pilot Training Program.
He enlisted with the USAAC on December 18, 1941,and married Eileen on June 13, 1942. He graduated from the USAAC on August 5, 1942, when he was commissioned as a second lieutenant.
The United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) was the aerial warfare service component of the United States Army between 1926 and 1941. After World War I, as early aviation became an increasingly important part of modern warfare.
The Air Corps became the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) on 20 June 1941, giving it greater autonomy from the Army's middle-level command structure. During World War II, although not an administrative echelon, the Air Corps (AC) remained as one of the combat arms of the Army until 1947, when it was legally abolished by legislation establishing the Department of the Air Force.
He was posted to Bellows Field, Oahu, to join the 394th Bomb Squadron, 5th Bombardment Group, of the Thirteenth Air Force, which flew the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.
Interesting? You decide!
On August 2, 1943, while flying B-17E-BO, 41-2463, "Yankee Doodle", out of Espiritu Santo, the plane Roddenberry was piloting overshot the runway by 500 feet (150 m) and crashed into trees, crushing the nose, and starting a fire, killing two men: bombardier Sgt. John P. Kruger and navigator Lt. Talbert H. Woolam.
The official report absolved Roddenberry of any responsibility. Roddenberry spent the remainder of his military career in the United States, and flew all over the country as a plane crash investigator. He was involved in a second plane crash, this time as a passenger.
He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal.
In 1945, Roddenberry began flying for Pan American World Airways, including routes from New York to Johannesburg or Calcutta, the two longest Pan Am routes at the time.[14] Listed as a resident of River Edge, New Jersey, he experienced his third crash while on the Clipper Eclipse on June 18, 1947.
The plane came down in the Syrian Desert, and Roddenberry, who took control as the ranking flight officer, suffered two broken ribs but was able to drag injured passengers out of the burning plane and led the group to get help. Fourteen people died in the crash; 11 passengers needed hospital treatment (including Bishnu Charan Ghosh), and eight were unharmed.
He resigned from Pan Am on May 15, 1948, and decided to pursue his dream of writing, particularly for the new medium of television.
The Lieutenant was produced with the co-operation of the Pentagon, which allowed them to film at an actual Marine base. During the production of the series, Roddenberry clashed regularly with the Department of Defense over potential plots.
The department withdrew its support after Roddenberry pressed ahead with a plot titled "To Set It Right" in which a white and a black man find a common cause in their roles as Marines.
Was Star Trek a Soft Disclosure Initiative that was secretly supported by US Naval Intelligence? You decide!
Leslie Clark Stevens IV
He created two television series for the ABC network, The Outer Limits (1963–1965) and Stoney Burke (1962–63), and Search (1972–73) for NBC. Stevens was the director of the horror film Incubus (1966), which stars William Shatner, and was the second film to use the Esperanto language. He wrote an early work of New Age philosophy, est: The Steersman Handbook (1970).
He sold his play The Mechanical Rat, to Orson Welles's Mercury Theatre and ran away from home to join the troupe before being returned home by truant officers.
During World War II he served in the United States Army Air Forces becoming a Captain at the age of 20. He attended Yale's Drama Department following the war.
His first play Bullfight starring Hurd Hatfield opened off Broadway in 1954. It was followed by The Champagne Complex the following year.
Through Daystar Productions, Stevens created the television series Stoney Burke, followed by The Outer Limits which he supervised as executive producer and wrote or directed a handful of episodes, including the pilot The Galaxy Being in which Stevens supplied the voice of the extraterrestrial.
He also produced the first-season Tony Franciosa episodes of The Name of the Game and the short-lived 1972–73 NBC science fiction series Search. Although only credited as supervising producer of "Saga of a Star-World" (the 1978 pilot episode of the Larson-produced Battlestar Galactica), director Alan J. Levi has alleged that "Stevens wrote the original script.
Stevens's contributions to the New Age Movement, and its relationships to The Outer Limits are discussed in the book Taoism for Dummies (John Wiley and Sons Canada, 2013).
William Tompkins wrote Selected by Extraterrestrials published in 2015.
As per Amazon,
Bill Tompkins was embedded in the world of secrecy as a teenager, when the Navy took his personal ship models out of a Hollywood department store because they showed the classified locations of the radars and gun emplacements. He was personally present at the “Battle of L.A.” when a thousand rounds of ammo were fired at UFOs, and one of the Nordic craft may have selected him to be their rep in the evolving aerospace race. This book is a partial autobiography about his life to the beginning of the 1970s including some of his early work for TRW. Selected by the Navy prior to completing high school to be authorized for research work, he regularly visited classified Naval facilities during WWII until he was discharged in 1946. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, and when they found out about his involvement in classified work, he was given a job to create design solutions as a draftsman with a peripheral assignment to work in a “think tank”. This work was partly controlled by the Navy personnel who used to work for James Forrestal, who was allegedly assassinated because he was going to publicly reveal what he knew about UFOs. Bill Tompkins was asked to conceive sketches of mile-long Naval interplanetary craft designs. Later, as he became involved in the conventional aspects of the Saturn Program that later became the Apollo launch vehicle, his insight to system engineering resulted in his offering some critical suggestions personally to Dr. Wernher von Braun about ensuring more reliable checkout using the missiles in their vertical position and also some very efficient launch control concepts adopted by both NASA and the Air Force. This story is peppered with very personal interactions with his co-workers and secretaries, some of whom the author believes to be Nordic aliens helping the “good guys” here on Earth. Towards the end of this volume of his autobiography, he sketches what he personally saw on TV when Armstrong was landing on the moon. Born in May 1923 but passing in October 2017, Bill Tompkins was one of the few survivors of the “big war”, married to the same girl Mary, and was willing to tell his story about what he really did during his aerospace life in the 40s, 50s and 60s that relate to aliens, NASA and secrets that now can be told. This recent printing adds captions to the figures, making them self-explanatory, and includes an index. “Selected by Extraterrestrials, Volume 2” is now available and includes Bill Tompkins later and other memories beyond the scope of this volume.
Were the Nordics described by Tompkins members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds?
Are the Creation of the US Space Force Space Command and
a multinational Space Alliance
tied in to an official 2019 Space Future's Workshop Report?
This workshop identified a Star Trek Future as humanity's optimal scenario. . .SPACE.
You decide!
See more in the follow up article coming soon!
Connecting Sources
The following article also contains information on Stanley Kubrick and what he did for NASA
Facebook Frames here covering that site {The Nuclear Threat Initiative] and interesting connections to the Clintons, their foundation and many deep state players. The address of NCI incidentally is 1776 Eye Street, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006