Caught Red Handed: "Hillary Colluded With Facebook To Rig 2016 Election"
Please read and share. No surprise there, not to mention the Satanic rituals. Those who have Facebook, I mean Fakebook, delete it while you still can and boycott it otherwise there fueling Globalism and with CIA, NSA and others spying on you. That is why there is alternative social media such as Steemit, Gab, Minds, BitChute, DTube, etc.
Quotes from the article.
"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg worked directly with Hillary Clinton to try and help rig the outcome of the 2016 election."
"Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice president of communications, revealed the Facebook founder strategized with Podesta to implement “structures” and “policies” to assure Clinton a victory."
"Mueller is examining potentially illegal Facebook ad sales to Russian entities in the lead-up to the election.
FBI sources have asserted that Zuckerberg and Facebook executives were aware for almost two years that Russian entities were purchasing ads but failed to report the illegal activities to federal authorities.
Other foreign entities, Ukraine and China, were running similar ad schemes through Facebook, the FBI sources claim."
Not surprising, actually. There is probably much worse that people will never hear about.