Watch: Future Uncertain For Assange In Wake Of US-Ecuador Military Deal

in #wikileaks6 years ago (edited)

This is a video version of my article published with Disobedient Media, titled: Future Uncertain For Assange In Wake Of US-Ecuador Military Deal. The video and article are both my own intellectual property.

You can find the prior article I mentioned in the video, here

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Assange is a hero, and one day, high schools and bridges will be named after him across the western world...Same with Snowden.

I completely agree and I'll be damned if they are allowed to be killed and their histories made palatable to empire, first.

Amen, sister.

Following you now (to the gates of hell, if

There isn't even hope in waiting for a new government. With last years election, and a parliamentary term in the UK of 5 years, it could be June 2022 before a might happen. And given the pressures on Corbyn, will he even be opposition leader by that time, or would there instead be another Blair clone inserted in his place. And with his government of his native country working against him, and the British government ignoring international law, it sure is troubling times for Assange.

Wow that sounds bleak. Surely there has to be something positive. Maybe the DUP will betray Theresa May and force an election ? Best I could come up with ! Hope somebody has something better.

Sometimes reality is bleak as fuck, and facing it is the only way to hope to move forward. :(

This does not bode well with our hero Julian.
Another intervention by the US Military Industrial Complex and no doubt peppered with intimidation and threats!

Agreed. I wish there was something hopeful I could say, but there just isn't right now. :(


In the bigger picture Elizbeth, Julian is a vanguard of truth, and transparency and has chosen this role to facilitate the liberation of the human spirit from the bonds of enslavement.
We are heading in the right direction and the controllers are running scared.
The darkest shadows appear in the brightest light.
When we shift our attention from the shadow, we see the source of light.
Dwell in that.
I would venture to say that Julian believes so strongly in his personal integrity, that losing his life is irrelevant.
He persists knowing he came here to be the bearer of truth and to assist the raising of consciousness in the human family.
I hope this gives you some hope?
We are all in this together.
Keep going Elizbeth, what you are doing is making a difference.

Julian Assange is being held hostage for telling the truth.
Or can someone tell Me a different version.
The 1984 Frankenstein monster is running amok.

Assagne...thought criminal, apparently.

Oh I am sure he will be able to find some other country to take him in

You're talking about a political prisoner as if they were a stray dog. Gross.

Um, I never said that, but whatever makes you sleep at night. Mr.Assange is widely regarded and I am sure there are many countries out there that would help to safeguard him to ensure his safety and the safety of his moment.

Thank you for sharing information that can add knowledge to me, and sorry I can not comment much about this issue because I do not control it. thanks again. nice video.

Theory alert.

The USA is desperate to sell overstock weapons and dated ammo.
Their war machine produces more weapons and ammo then they have wars to supply the shit with. So they make deals with whoever wants to buy the crap to shoot depleted uranium bullets in to the sand on the shooting range. So they can say: LOOK MA! I also can aim with different gun, and put more expensive bullets in the sand.

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