Whoopi Goldberg was Right - Off the top of my head

in #whoopi3 years ago

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February 27, 2022 Off the
top of my head: Whoopie was Right

I do not know why it has
taken me so long to say this. It is difficult to keep up with the
rapidly developing current events, let alone to take the time to
reflect on them deeply.

It is astounding to me how
many people jumped on the finger-pointing, sanctimonious bandwagon
when Whoopi Goldberg dared to point out that the Holocaust in Nazi
Germany was not about Jews but about man's inhumanity to man! I
guess that concept wasn't in their scripts and Whoopi logically and
correctly concluded that people have been trained to ignore the
mini-holocausts happening everywhere, at all times.

I once had an argument
with a Jewish friend concerning the movie “Schindler's List.”
The movie itself was wonderful in every way, including that it is
based on history and not the product of one brain's imagination. I
told my friend it was a shame the movie was obviously intended to
focus on the plight of the Jews (which was indeed horrible). But it
was a shame that Spielberg cranked out a typical Holocaust movie
without somehow including the philosophy and personality types that
enjoy perpetrating suffering on their fellow humans. After all, in
order to stop these atrocities from occurring, do we not need to
understand HOW and WHY they happen at all? Are there certain types
of people who should never be tolerated in the halls of financial and
political power? Is there a way to assess the requisite wisdom and
foresight to use power and fortune in a way that will benefit the
entire sphere of existence? Should children be allowed to play with

These grownup children are
the new self-appointed rulers of the planet, in their own minds.
These personality types, short-sighted megalomaniiacs, continue to
fool people into their mental constructs and laugh from their
empirical towers, isolated from the unhappy masses they have sickened
and frightened and fed with lies, while using their life energy to
build empires. They do not have remorse but in fact keenly relish
their latest fabrications – new reasons for war (new deplorables,
new super-predators), new illnesses requiring new experimental drug
cocktails, new laws that tighten the nooses around the necks of
humanity, and people dutifully pay the price for the privilege of
staying alive.

Whoopi was right to
attempt to take the conversation to a deeper level – a level that
might lead to a healing for all. And how quickly was the
conversation pulled back into the shallows, where people are
sheltered from truths that would set us free. Whoopi was thrown
under the bus for THINKING. I don't follow this story beyond here
but I feel certain “they” will require a sincere apology from
Whoopi. An apology that does not include any explanation that could
lead people to awaken from the fog of perpetual fear. Critical
thinking has become dangerous and may one day soon become obsolete as
well. In that case, Heaven help us or we are doomed.

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