Smart Ways to a Whiter Teeth
As cliché as it may sound, “Knowledge is indeed power”. Knowing the facts about teeth makes you more aware on how to take care of it.
The two parts of the teeth that you should be most aware of concerning to having whiter teeth, are the enamel and dentin.
Fact 1: Enamel is the outer most covering of the teeth that is naturally white but can easily be stained. And dentin which is yellowish by nature that is underlying the enamel.
*You can then be aware to take precaution in eating food, drinking beverages and taking medications that is eminent in staining your teeth.
Always brush your teeth after eating or drinking or rinse it by drinking ample amount of water.
Using a straw in drinking or taking medications that has such effect on teeth.
Making a paste out of baking soda and lemon juice for brushing your teeth twice a week.
Fact 2: The thickness of your enamel is widely dependent on your genes. Some humans are just born with thicker enamel than others. Enamel is semi-transparent, thus, the thinner it is, the more visible for the yellow hued dentin to shine through. Moreover, acid erodes enamel; saliva on the other hand neutralizes the acidity in your mouth. Although, enamel is the hardest body part that human has, in time, with repetitive bad habits acid can take its toll.
*Knowing this information, you can have an idea to maintain as much as possible, the quality of your enamel.Using toothbrush that is just right to clean your teeth and not cause any erosion to your enamel.
Making sure that you don’t take excessive acidic drinks, if so, neutralize it by drinking water habitually right after.
Avoid having a dry mouth. Always have water handy with you or chew a gum that can trigger saliva production.
Calcium and fluoride are very important help in maintaining strong enamel, so use toothpaste that has rich amount of those minerals or have supplements in accordance to your doctor prescription.
Fact 3: The inevitable process of wear and tear in aging affects the quality of the teeth. So as we age our teeth also gets older and weaker.
*Prevention is the best way in maintenance.Oral hygiene and precautions are must.
Visiting your dentist for cleaning or any consultation.
Information and action are life savers.