WHITE RABBIT (Enabling content recognition for P2P streaming and secure payments with the blockchain)
White Rabbit is a browser plugin that aims to resolve the failing business model of digital distribution of films and series. Content is expensive, users have less choice than before, revenue is neither transparent nor cash-flow positive and by not accepting users streaming habits, the industry itself encourages piracy.
White Rabbit offers a p2p tokenized system powered by blockchain technology that will enable users to access any content globally, reduce cost by paying producers and creatives directly, revenue share with streaming sites to encourage an innovative streaming market and offer a transparent and instant monetization model for producers, investors, the artists and the entertainers.
- Too few films and even fewer filmmakers make money from digital distribution: A handful films receive a one-off sum. Most either don’t get distribution or get lost in the iTunes jungle. We are talking brilliant arthouse and indie films, celebrated at major festivals, costing millions of dollars.
- Lack of transparency: What revenue films receive lacks transparency and cash-flow immediacy. It will take 6 months to 5 years to receive what´s due from a film’s revenue stream. Even then, producers, directors and investors have little idea as to how many people actually watched their film.
- Pirates vs. Fans: The industry doesn´t distinguish between pirates and fans. Pirates don’t pay by principle, period. Fans are forced to break the law because they don’t have access to their favourite films and series and aren’t necessarily allowed to pay for it.
- Lack of choice: OTT, or closed server subscription services, dominate the market. They produce more of their own content and buy less, offering fans a minimal choice of content. OTT´s can no longer be considered distributors; they are modern day studios.
- Lack of convenience: The digital distribution paradox — a lack of competition in OTT hampers innovation in UI, search and services. Yet, more subscription services would mean more accounts, more logins and many more searches for users to find the content they want.
White Rabbit ecosystem consists of users, content rights holders and creators, partner streaming sites, third party developers and White Rabbit. White Rabbit offers users a personalized content library — the Rabbit Hole — and a browser plugin.
The White Rabbit plugin recognizes the content being streamed enabling users to offer White Rabbit Tokens (WRT) as a guarantee for payment to content rights holders. Each time a user streams content a smart contract deducts the tokens from the user’s account and transfers it to the rights holders. If a smart contract does not exist, rights holders may enter into one and accept tokens or reject. If they reject, the tokens which are kept in an encrypted distribution pool are returned to the user, securing their anonymity.
The Rabbit Hole is user’s personal content library where they can access all the content they have paid for and enjoy exclusive materials, extras, director’s cuts, merchandise and interviews. In addition, the Rabbit Hole enables users to interact directly with the creators behind their favorite films, enjoy film screenings in VR together, and use other available third-party applications.
By separating distribution from payment, White Rabbit offers one payment system, but infinite viewing and fan experiences.
Thank you for reading.
To know more about this project, you can visit:
- Website: Front - White Rabbit
- Whitepaper: https://whiterabbit.one/docs/Whi...
- Telegram: White Rabbit
- Facebook: White Rabbit
- Twitter: White Rabbit (@WRJumpIn) | Twitter
Bitcointalk profile link: View the profile of adebolajicrypto
Eth Address: 0xAb5501225C2E6c0500d6bc5Aaf419a9D34b40EB0
Sounds like a good project! Thanks!