I would check my White Privilege at the door if I could find it! My family and I didn't live an entitled, charmed life as I guess some White Progressive did!
Really is something how many of us spent time, lived, grew up in places where there was Zero White Privilege.
We received many racial slurs as our friends received scholarships just based on the color of their skin or connections to the right politician.
Where I graduated, no matter how high your GPA was or how skilled you were in a sport. . .your scholarships offered were Never going to match That of someone whose last name fit in with the state run by globalist puppets unless you were willing to look the other way through bribes and silence when you saw evidence of #WhatLiesBeneath
Yet. ..we have been accused of what we Never Once experienced. Something the Mainstream Media and their cohorts, followers, mouthpieces call "White Privilege." This coming mainly from people who Are White and feel they themselves have White Privilege. If they feel entitled, then by All Means Sound Off! Just stop trying to force those of us who didn't live your charmed lives nor experienced Your Privilege to take up your guilt! We were not the perpetrators. You need to be responsible for YOU and stop trying to put your problems on the rest of us hard working, peaceful loving people!
The same people who used racial slurs against us realized real quick we didn't live charmed lives. . .quite the opposite and became our friends. NONE of them. . . once they saw our reality stated we had "White Privilege."
Perhaps I would be more apt to support you White Privileged Progressives in your cause if you weren't trying to claim I had the same entitled attitude privileges they did. Never Once as my friends were composed of people from many nationalities from a young age. BTW, I didn't see you working the Same Jobs I was working. . .might have done you some good to mix and mingle with the Rest of Us!
Took road trips with my friends of various heritage, prayed with them, camped with them, ran with them, tutored and taught them, worked along beside them and plenty were much higher up on the socioeconomic plane than my family. Good hearted people where we just got done what needed to be done and were committed to working together to do so!
Perhaps those who Say they have White Privilege take the programming from a compromised group like the DNC who has the following backing them or fueled by them, but I don't!
- Green News Deal funds, supports and has Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez engage with a group known to be lead by actors who started as children in shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. As you know the DNC has the entertainment industry at their disposal!
For example take Abby Leedy who according to Bustle,
When the Fab Five met Queer Eye Season 5 hero Abby Leedy last August, Karamo Brown remarked that she was "18 going on 47." The newly graduated high schooler was so dedicated to combating climate change that she sometimes forgot to eat, let alone do any self-care. As Bobby Berk put it, their goal was to help her "know her worth and save the Earth." Now almost a year later, the "anxious activist" tells Bustle she's "definitely still learning" but has made a lot of progress.
According to MSN The young activist works with the The Sunrise Movement in Philadelphia.
According to the Sunshine Movement,
Abby's story and the work she's doing now. stand in defense of black lives. Sunrise Movement is committed to fighting racism in all its forms and encourages other groups in the climate and environmental movement.
Sunshine Movement's own statement. ..
We're building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.
So they are using something their funders and investors allegedly created. . .once they made all their money, they turned around and said it was bad (who is Really creating pollution and tampering with the ionosphere?) they now tell you, you need a new form of energy that is more costly and roped into funding methods and groups who stand to profit a Great Deal. Who is Always on the losing end? Look up Obama and Solundra (that's only one piece of evidence).
Now they go into the schools under the guise of child ran groups that are building an army under Momentum which they state is the single most valuable training you can go to to advance your understanding of how social movements build power to win. — Sara Blazevic, Sunrise Movement Co-Founder.
They are in the schools just as Linda Sarsour and David Hogg's mother (who worked as a teacher at Parkland Community Schools and proud supporter of PP) created the walk out movement in schools. Is it right they are allowed to use their Political Agenda to target children as young as middle school age and put pressure on them to feel Not part of a group during a walk out for gun control?
David Hogg's father Kevin worked for the FBI.
Leedy's instagram states she wants to defund the police. Don't many of these protestors and rioters put in for police protection when they organize their Events? How is that going to work for them? They don't even believe in guns, what happens when they get an intruder and there's no 911? They going to fend them off with their hate speech and tantrums?
Does it appear there is an Agenda here? Perhaps coming straight down from the DNC and Soros who are behind groups like Antifa?
Don't let them "Play" you! I use that term because just as much of the staging which has recently occurred. . .Bill Gates called the globalists who stand to profit off of the latest "pandemic" called the people who were at his simulated crisis Event 201. . ."Players!" Those were His words not mine and the event was funded by one of the co-founders of Facebook Dustin Moskovitis and his wife Cari Tuna who were said to be the youngest to sign on with a pledge with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. So WHO exactly is playing the general population? Who are the entitled and who are #WeThePeople who need to be committed to working together no matter creed, heritage or location! It's US against them. . .the globalists not color vs. color or their political party vs party. Don't take an invitation to their "Games!" Ignore the people who choose to be played. They simply thrive on drama as they have been conditioned to enjoy the entertainment industry and all the fake glittery distractions. They Love their drama and line up for it! The rest of us choose to see it for what it is. ..A PLAY in the globalists favor! No Thank you!
Thankful for all who are #UnitedWorldWide no matter creed or heritage to build a better future for our children where All get along and stop trying to create issues and drama surrounding a "perceived" condition which Morgan Freeman and other actors have stated right out. . .like when Don Lemon asked him if he thought "race played a part in wealth distribution?" If you haven't heard it you should Hear his answer. Don Lemon didn't know What to say for being called out on the "Wealth Distribution" when he has the Job he has and is Far more affluent than many of us Will Ever be financially because we don't place our value or wealth in things that are going to Pass Away. We live for Another dimension and time! Will be dropping the Lemon/Freeman interview in comments of this original post which can be accessed if seeing elsewhere by clicking on the time stamp under my name.
We will be dropping a Facebook Frames soon on the Sunshine Movement and what these organizers do and say Tells the Full story of who they are and what they are about. It is NOT #WeThePeople, but rather the interests of a certain political party that is willing to lie, cheat and still to get the man removed who was chosen by a group of White Hats to expose their evil and predatory actions against #WeThePeople and All of humanity WorldWide. #GuardiansOfChildren Will not be stepping aside and many have sworn to protect a republic with a set of laws we intend to see carried out Not for the globalists, but for the well being of #WeThePeople
Will drop full source links in comments of Original Post. Stay Safe and Stay Vigilant! Godspeed!
Sources, Connecting articles and videos,
Facebook Post **Interesting. . .those who keep pointing fingers Yet support this compromised party.
Now MSM has to report!**
If you don't have facebook to see people's thoughts in the comments you can go here directly,
Interesting how they keep trying to "target" a #DigitalArmy and the #WhiteHats with lies and staging because it is Proving just Who these people Really are. . .progressive, radical lunacy! They do such a poor job. ..#Anons have Never been about Riots, Destruction and Hate as leftist radicals have demonstrated and so many support. Thank you to all who support the #WalkAwayMovement!
Thank you so much James Hendricks Michael Namuye for this amazing video Share!
Hear from Representative Vernon Jones of Georgia who is a Democrat and proud supporter of President Donald J. Trump! He starts at about -36:38
Hear this police officer respond to another officer demanding he show evidence as a white man of his black wife. What is WRONG with these people?
I LOVE the officer's response as he States it how it is. . ."The World has a Sin Problem, Jesus said, I am the Way, The Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through me." He just starts telling her Life Saving truth! She doesn't even show him respect. He tells her straight out. . .it's Not a Racism problem! (Looks to me it exposes the Real Racists once again)!
He tells her to Read the Bible!
Vernon Jones talks about how it is really those who call themselves the "woke" white liberals who are really advancing the political agenda of the DNC.
So a black representative talking about them hiding under BLM and Rioting! He asks where are the Democrats calling out the Rioting and hate of this faction along with Antifa. He says it highlights their hypocrisy and how there are crickets in calling out the wrongdoing in this Radical Faction of the left.
He talks about the Track Record of President Trump and what he has done for African Americans. Biden not held accountable for what he's Not done along with a long history of not improving their quality of life and independence in their work and lives. "Sitting Idly by!" Was Vernon Jone's statement regarding Biden.
Vernon Jones talks about Trump's track record where he has done More for African Americans in 3.5 years than Joe Biden has in decades. If you or the liberal media were to ask Biden what he has done for African Americans he can't come up with Anything according to Representative Jones.
Vernon asks why doesn't Joe Biden come out and tell the mayor from his heart how he feels about defunding the police department. What he feels, what is his stance Without a script? He said right now Biden is not doing anything except repeating rhetoric and it's appalling that MSM does Not hold him accountable, because they are trying to help him win.
Trump's Historical achievement record for Black Americans.
Lowest unemployment numbers ever
Opportunity Zone Districts
First Step Act: Inmates who were in jail and put there by Joe Biden and destroyed their families and neighborhoods where the time didn't fit the crim. Why doesn't CNN and MSM have these people released by President Donald J. Trump
Restoring Funding and writing it into law
Champion of Black Community which MSM refuses to acknowledge and appears to want to hide it. Why do they do this?
Protection from Foreign entities
They are Spot on. . .if Joe Biden were elected we would thrust into a systemic recession.
What do progressive should be leaders Always do? They raise taxes, increase regulations causing a stranglehold on Working, Middle America.
Think about it. . .the elites are always fine, the welfare class gets government aide. . .it is the Working middle class that is required to do more and pay more because they don't want government assistance, yet are required to pay their own way Plus an increase in More taxes to pay for the programs. Not to mention all the money funneling these "Programs" have been proven to do. Props them up and allows the DNC to run people like Joe Biden and actually try to sell him with all of his flubs as an answer or solution to WHAT exactly? https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/videos/2742864232616042/
In the above. . .
Hear a black police officer school a white progressive. He tells her the Most important news Ever. . .Where is HIS church? He should be preaching! Forward to -35:24 to hear the officer that tells it like it is! Amazing!
Really is something how many of us spent time, lived, grew up in places where there was Zero White Privilege.
We received many racial slurs as our friends received scholarships just based on the color of their skin or connections to the right politician.
Where I graduated, no matter how high your GPA was or how skilled you were in a sport. . .your scholarships offered were Never going to match That of someone whose last name fit in with the state run by globalist puppets unless you were willing to look the other way through bribes and silence when you saw evidence of #WhatLiesBeneath
My kids never snubbed their noses up as I have seen plenty of entitled people do of All heritage. ..to garage sale, goodwill or second hand clothes. I am still known to shop at goodwill and garage sales in between a hectic work schedule. We work hard just to put a decent roof over our children's heads and have never lived lavishly. Many times existed with only one vehicle in the family and did without when we had to as I know plenty of families do the same. All while being looked down on at times from people of All heritage. We taught our kids Inside was far more important than the outside or "keeping up with the Joneses!" Didn't really know the Joneses, but saw plenty out there who were likely like them!
See the rest in this FB post here,
See what Morgan Freeman uses to put Don Lemon in his place!
Morgan Freeman on race...and his birthday
You don't want to miss this! Under 4 min.
An Honest history of Black People and the Democrat Party
A Must see video. Explained so well!