Claiming Space
The unfortunate state of affairs Whites find ourselves in today has resulted in a global amnesia about who and what White people are and what we've accomplished as a people. Whether this amnesia is feigned for cynical political purposes, genuine or a mixture of both, on part of Whites and PoC alike, is irrelevant. The fact remains: Whites are not "allowed" moral claim to any of our accomplishments. However, recent events have created cause for optimism. In it is an opportunity for us to reclaim ownership of our birthright.
A recent article (part 2) entitled "Classical Music’s Suicide Pact", revelatory of how Cosmopolitans feel about Whites and our civilization.
Other areas of the humanities have long been abandoned by the Left for something anti-Western and anti-White: Literature, poetry, the visual arts. The transformation of those fields have been more gradual but the end result the same.
This may be depressing to some. But rest assured, in the long term it is anything but depressing. The old institutions of the West have transformed in to something completely different thus leaving a vacuum for a new tradition to take up the mantle of curating the Western artistic tradition. The Left has abdicated its role as the curator of the Arts. For generations, when people thought of creativity, forward thinking and open possibilities, people thought of the Left and in the process the left made themselves the arbiters of what culture is. What they did with that privilege is so vile and horrifying it wouldn't take long for a new tradition to step in to take the lead. The Left has done such an awful job and burned so many bridges in their scorn against all enemies, real or perceived, they're defenseless against a cultural coup. There are people who have realized that but there's no clear path towards crafting a new folkway from the rubble of neoliberal scorched Earth.
Any attempt to institute major change in the world needs to start with a strong foundation. At present, Whites comes with a diverse array of ideological propositions, all of which have their own aspects that appeal to different personalities. That by itself isn't necessarily the problem. But if factures us as a people, makes it hard to organize and work together and makes it very difficult to reach the masses. They need a consistent story narrative that informs how they should live their lives. There needs to be a hook that not only explains what is happening to them in simple but personal terms, but how they can learn to become free from it. At present, the Right relies heavily on metapolitics and nostalgic memories of past traditions, both of which are fine by themselves. But they're incredibly abstract and impersonal in an era of political religions and extremely personal ideologies - personal to the point of being existential.
How does it feel to be a problem
The leftist playbook, in a nutshell, is to identify a "problem" - problem: an observation that doesn't fit in their top-down social models - invert the hierarchy they imagine as a form of retribution justice and do to their victims what they imagine was done to them or their Icons.1 In the case of Whites, they laundered the idea of "whiteness" as a social mechanism used to justify the supposed prejudice and bias of Whites, identify Whites as the perpetrators and proceed to discriminate against Whites along a racial dichotomy akin to how they view "whiteness": PoC and the non-PoCs, the inversion of Whites and non-Whites.
In that vein, White "bodies" have been inscribed with a set of racial meanings that drives the anti-White genocide. This is a personal attack branded on each individual White person, likely before any of us were born. Politics was made personal. Or, to think about it another way, they granted us - personally and under the right circumstances - with the power to utterly dominate their politics. Their politics depends upon our consent. But to do that, we need a game plan to get to that point. We need to understand how to i) recognize our power and ii) how to wield it in such a way that it empowers us personally and as a group (while simultaneously disempowering our enemies).
Social power in the 20's
Social power in the 20's is derived from the severity of the grievances coming from their various Icons. Their influence has many tentacles: media, government, NGOs/non-profits, academia, the corporate world, silicon valley. From these sources their stormtroopers enforce it through social censure so i) they can repress political dissent against their own citizens while clinging to what little veneer of "liberal democracy" they have and then ii) entrench these new values in the institutions. We need to i) disrupt that pipeline (which was done via social media before deplatforming) and ii) remove access to "White bodies" and starve the beast.
Implementing these strategies should be done on multiple fronts, non-centrally and be anti-fragile. The Principles of Volkification are how to retain a space after claiming it. Claiming a space, however, is a different scenario.
So what, then, are our strengths? How do we claim space to begin with? There are four big things we can offer that most people are missing in their lives: i) Wealth ii) Meaning iii) Community iv) Culture.
Building wealth is tough. Especially as an underclass. Whites still have a fair amount of collective wealth. But it is being siphoned from us. We need to cut that off. Slowly, not all at once. But cut if off and recirculate it within our tribe and build it up. We need our own businesses and offer I.P. and products that appeal to the mainstream, not just a niche subculture. The system will try to stop us but it is weakening and its influence in the world is waning. It can be done but it will need to be done intelligently and wisely.
This one is probably the trickiest of them all. This will be elaborated on in a future post on the subject of "Folkism", a philosophico-religious world view that explores the spiritual development of the European peoples through history, the present and in to the future.
Community likely has the least resistance by sheer force of the human need to socialize, especially among those most racially similar to you, which is still strong even among leftist Whites. The resistance to any pro-White community has created the impression that the problem is so severe it'll likely take generations to undo. Not so. It's simply a matter of knowing how to navigate the landmines the general public has been conditioned to have, with various keywords and phrases. Circumventing them makes it much easier to talk to other Whites about such topics. It disarms them and draws in their curiosity. Most important, however, is wording it in such a way that it feels mainstream in language and tone.
This is another with a low barrier to entry. The biggest hurdle the pro-White dissident movement has faced is getting out of the right wing subculture domain and give it the feeling, to the populous, that what they are seeing is "mainstream" and not some internet troll subculture white supremacist neo-nazi scheme. They need to be left with the feeling that, "wow, this is new and very exciting. I want more of this." However, this will require of the pro-White dissident movement the discipline to execute it. Past attempts to create alternative fantasy worlds have failed to launch due to this lack of discipline and organizing.
This post is mostly an exploration. Nothing is set in stone and future blog posts will explore these ideas in more detail. The main point is to motivate discussion and thinking about what we need to do next. Because frankly, we're stuck. But all is not lost. We simply need to step back, rethink how things have been done thus far and brainstorm new ideas. This is not meant to be a substitute for the work being done by others but to compliment and to strengthen them. Lastly, while some are thinking how this will be an inter-generational struggle, as we should, we should also maximize the freedoms we still have to their full effect.
1Icon: An image; a representation. "Bodies" they consider to be "vulnerable", who they cynically hold up for veneration and to represent various abstract political assumptions, depending upon the context. In this context, the Icons here are all the "vulnerable groups" who have been victimized. aka, anyone who is not:
- White
- Male
- Cis
- Heterosexual
- Christian, however not as emphasized in the 20's as in past decades.