How Whisper Provides Secure And Private Way Of Communication
Whisper is an encrypted messaging app for Android with zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption. Zero knowledge means the messages are encrypted in a way that even we
can't read them, and that's why we use it. Whisper was designed to get the best end-to-end encryption technology into more hands.
Whisper is the newest messaging application that makes your communications completely encrypted and secure. Ever since NSA launched an impressive array of spying tools
codenamed Boundless Informant and XKeyscore, our online privacy has become threatened to an unprecedented degree. Since your protection is our priority, we are
offering Whisper encrypted messenger as a tool aimed at providing you with robust protection against these threats.
Whisper is a messenger that provides secure and private way of communication. The messages are encrypted and can only be read by their intended recipient.
Whisper is the world's most private messenger. With Whisper, your messages are encrypted locally, so only you and those you send your messages to can read them. There
is no centralized server for anyone to hack. It's a secure messenger that lets you communicate with others whatever you want. How it works? Whispers are encrypted
directly on your device, not via a cloud service. Your messages stay in your possession at all times, whether you're directly connected or chatting offline.
What Is Whisper? Having trouble with encrypted messaging apps like Telegram? Can't trust them, but you still need to be totally anonymous while sending messages? If
so, then Whisper is the right tool for you. Unlike other messenger apps, this mobile application will allow you to have a private conversation ... We have one goal:
provide full-vehicle anonymity and privacy, a system where users are able to freely express their opinions and ideas. That's why we built Whisper; a platform for free
speech in an ecosystem free of the worries about security breaches, hacks and leaks.
The Whisper secure messenger allows you to send encrypted messages, photos, videos and files between friends. It is safer than other messengers because all your
contacts are protected by end-to-end encryption, hidden from everyone else including us.
The messaging app you've been looking for is here. Whisper is the world's most anonymous social networking app, used by strong privacy advocates and human rights
activists alike. Whisper allows you to send and receive messages, photos, videos and files of any type, from anywhere in the world, from your mobile device. Messages
are shredded into a billion pieces then reassembled on the receiving-end to ensure a truly disappearing act for your secrets.
When you communicate on Whisper, the messages you send are encrypted by the Open Whisper Systems encryption protocol, rather than end-to-end. When a message is
decrypted by an eavesdropper, it will look like random noise.
Whisper is an encrypted messenger completely secured by blockchain technology, Whisper is a social network of users that don't know each other's identity. With Whisper
you can send disappearing messages, pictures, voice and video calls which are seen by users within a range of 1 kilometer.
Whisper is a messenger that is completely secured by blockchain technology. It is unique because of the use of blockchain technology. This can offer you incredible
privacy and protection - since there is no stored communication data that can be compromised!
Whisper is a completely encrypted messenger with all communications protected by blockchain technology. No one but you and the recipient can read your messages - not
even us! It's 100% encrypted. Having started in 2014, Whisper is now used by more than 35 million people in over 100 countries.
More Information :
Bitcointalk username: adoe
Bitcointalk link:;u=1405621
Whisper MSG Address: 0x1k66b25060d386b61d6c111b42fe4545cb9b5047650a1e+4bde39b1a35b5f97a0743f38b2d32e2e465df8f2efc4c3b47f908fb5222f7e74