Win 10 STEEM - What Would You Say?

in #whatwouldyousay6 years ago (edited)

This contest is inspired by the lovely @dreemit's recent competition, "What would you do?"

speech main.jpg

You have the undivided attention of every man, woman and child on earth.

What would you say?

To take part simply make a post with the tag #whatwouldyousay and tell us what your message to the world would be. Please also link your entry to the comments section of this post. If you would like to do an audio version or something other than writing, this is completely fine too. I don't want to hinder anyone's creativity.


I will choose one winner personally to receive 10 STEEM, 7 days from now. If there are a lot of good entries I will try to offer some small rewards to the best runners up too.

For motivation.

Good luck everyone. I look forward to viewing your entries.

tonyr old banner.gif


It is amazing what the gentleman says in the video and I can see that the video was recorded many years ago. Even when the presentation is performed by an actor, he expresses it in a very emotional and inspiring way. What saddens me since, apparently, I suppose many people did not understand the message he wanted to give at that moment. Because, still exist or persist the same problems in humanity since we are slaves of our own greed and selfishness.

I'd like to enter this contest.

Oh I'm glad I saw your resteem of this post or else. Hahaha. :D

Yeeelloww there! my dear @artgirl! Finally, I wrote my entry... Im glad you saw it

Great! 😊

Hey @jadams2k18. Thanks a lot for the lovely comment and for taking the time to watch the little motivational video I included. Its one of my favourite speeches of all time and its true that not much has changed in the time since it was given. Unfortunately too many in our society look but do not see and listen but do not see.

I hope you find time to enter as I'd love to hear your thoughts and I'm sure others would too. :)

Have a wonderful day my friend.

Yes! Tomorrow I will deliver my entry.

Have a wonderful day and night, too


Hello @tonyr this is a great idea and I hope we will be heard! 😊

If I have the undivided attention of everyone, I would say Let's value the time.

Hey thanks for having this contest. Gave me a reason to rant today. Here is my entry.

Hey @hippie-witha-gun. Thanks for your awesome entry my friend. You have a lot of interesting things to say abd I really rnjoyed reading it. I"ll be announcing the winner tonight so keep an eye out mate.

Thanks again and hope you're having a great day.

Hey thanks Tony. Not the best worded but it will do because I was trying to connect all the dots that I could. I'm getting better at making posts so as I write the better they will get. I'm slowly learning how to structure my stuff so it all doesn't come out as verbal diarrhea.

This is a really good idea, Tony. I will definitely enter, though it may have to wait until tomorrow.

Cheers bro. Looking forward to it.

Now this is great contest cant wait to read #whatwouldyousay. The more creative the better. Thank you for sharing.

Hey @orlena. Thanks a lot for the lovely comment and I hope you enjoy reading some of the posts as much as I'm sure I will myself. It'll be interesting to see what people have to say for sure.

Have a great day my friend. :)

Great idea Tony. It's gonna make for some fascinating reading.

Hey deirdyweirdy. I hope the sun is shining down on you today just as it is on us across the water here.

I look forward to seeing what people have to say myself and the few entries I've received so far have been interesting to read. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have a tough choice in picking my favourite.

I'll be picking up the steem free press idea soon. Ive not been having the greatest time lately and have had to spend more time concentrating on myself but Im also struggling with a couple of areas of the project that id initially thought would be a big part of it but which im now not entirely comfortable with so Im probably going to go about it in a different way.

Its good to hear from you my friend. I hope life is treating you well and hope you enjoy reading some of the submissions. :)

We have a glorious day here m'dear, the sort of day that if you don't look too closely, everything seems right with the world.
I'm glad you're running with the Steem Free Press idea and if there's anything I can do to assist, please don't hesitate to shout.

Hey there @tonyr! It's been a while. Hope everything's well with you and fam..
Nice contest idea. I'll try to participate too! :0

Hi @arrliinn. It has indeed been a long time but that just makes it so much more of a pleasure to hear from you now. :) Myself and the fam are really good thanks. The sun has finally decided to join us here in Scotland, at least for a few days, so we'll be doing our best to enjoy it while it lasts. I hope everything is great with you and yours too and I'll definitely look forward to hearing you're message to the world. I'm sure it will be filled with love and wisdom. :)

It's really good to hear from you my friend. I've been a bit absent these last couple of months but hoping to 're-engage' soon. :)

this is great video ..i want to say something .
A day without laughter is a day wasted.
We think too much and feel too little.
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles.

Very wise words and a great attitude @dailybuzz. Thanks for taking the time to leave a thoughtful comment and adding your voice. I hope your enjoying your time on steemit so far my friend. Have a wonderful day. :)

To the world, I would tell people to invest in different cryptocurrencies, other things, buy solar panels, water filters, start making gardens, learn, teach, love, love, and eat some oatmeal hehe.

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