If You Had The Undivided Attention Of Every Man, Woman And Child On Earth, What Would You Say? - (Announcing The Winner.)!

in #whatwouldyousay6 years ago

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Last week, I launched a little contest in which I posed the question...

If you had the undivided attention of every man, woman and child on earth, what would you say?

I was really blown away by the amount of participation as well as the quality of the entries and it was a really tough task to choose a winner from all of the wonderful submissions but while I enjoyed reading all of the posts immensely, the post that stood out for me and really resonated with me, which is why I have decided to award the 10 steem prize to @jadams2k18.

The winning post was a very thoughtful and inspirational piece of writing which strives to remind us that we are responsible for our own destinies and in order to reach our true potentials, we must recognise who we are, who we were and who we truly want to become.

Below is a small extract taken from @jadams2k18 post that I really enjoyed reading and which made perfect sense to me.

The change begins in us. If we do not make the change ourselves, the world will remain the same, even whether we receive more advices or read more books, if we do not put into action such advices, the world won't change ... Actions matter

I know that changing ourselves is not easy. Changing our habits (or vices?) is hard, but not impossible. However, we can start by doing two simple things:

1.- Respect. Respect for ourselves, our body, our health ... and respect for others, both the person, their ideas, feelings, thoughts, opinions, identity, religion, ethnicity, race, social class, jobs and possessions.

The famous phrase of the Mexican politician Benito Juárez

Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.

Respect leads to Peace

2.- Do good. Nothing else! no matter to whom, no matter how small. Giving a smile, saying good morning, giving the seat to an old man or woman on the bus or subway or feed someone who is hungry. Let's always do good deeds.

Quoting Edmund Burke:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Be assured that as long as you do good deeds, the universe, nature, the cosmos, God, call it as you wish ... will conspire to help you in everything you need.

Do good things and good things will come to you

In a world where everything is interconnected, where we can see and talk instantly with other people who are on the other side of the world, in a single click. In an era where all the knowledge of the world is available to everyone. It should be easier to help others, don’t you think?

To read the rest of @jadams2k18's message to the world, click here.

I have also decided to award a few smaller prizes for the entries that I particularly enjoyed reading, so the following authors will all receive 1 steem each from me. :)

@djoi, @julietisrael, @pingcess, @iamthegray and @odonko-ba!

Congratulations to everyone who won a prize but if you didn't, I hope you still enjoyed taking part and sharing your message with the world. I enjoyed reading the entries so much, I intend to hold another contest in the very near future so if you didn't get a chance to take part and share your message this time, keep an eye out for another chance to win some steem by doing so very soon. :)

If you'd like to check out the rest of the entries for the 'What would You Say?' contest, you can click on the hashtag below. :)


Have a great day everyone! :)

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Wow! I can't believe I won a prize. I am honored to be chosen from amongst so many talented writers, believe me, I read some of y'all work and never in a thousand years did I think I would win. This goes to show anything is possible. Thank you @tonyr for hosting this contest and considering my work worthy. Thank you.

Thank you! Thank you so much my dear @tonyr

Let's make the world a better place, this is the only spaceship we have!

Life is short and sometimes hard, so dont forget to make it fun

Congratulations to everyone who won a prize!

Great piece you got there buddy!!

Like most:

Our attitude towards situations and problems is what defines us

Congratulations!! 😊😊😊

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate your comment

It was my pleasure @jadams2k18. I wish the whole world really could ger to hear your message and those of the other contestants because what shines tgrough in all of them is the empathy of the authors for their fellow man and for the world we all share. It was a privilige to read what you had to say my friend. I'm glad it was a positive and hopefully rewarding experience for you. :)

Have a great day! :)

Have a great day too

Congrats on the win @jadams2k18 it was well deserved. "Respect leads to peace." If only we had the sense to comprehend that, this world would be a better place. Have a great day my freind.

Thanks! Have a great day my friend too!

Wow thank you my friend! I hope everyone's piece will be heard by many!!

Yes, let's make the world a better place! 😊

Thank YOU @pingcess for sharing your wise words with us all. I'm really glad you entered abd took the time to share your thoughts with us. I really liked what you had to say and hope you'll take part when I hold the contest again soon. :)

Thanks my friend! Definitely! Looking forward to your next contest!! 😍😍

Thanks @tonyr for organising such a thoughtful contest (and the gift)

And congratulations to @jadams2k18


You're welcome @iamthegray and thanks a lot for taking part. You raised a lot of issues thst most people are completely ignorant to abd should be more aware of so hopefully your words reached someone new and open to the types of things you mentioned. I'll be having a sequel to tge contest soon so I hope you'll join in again when I do. :)

Cheers mate. Have agood one. :)


I'll be having a sequel to tge contest soon so I hope you'll join in again when I do. :)

I will. And I just followed you to make sure of that.


That's a great message! And one I've been trying to live by for a while.. Good pick! And I like jadams2k18. Seems like a nice and friendly individual. :)

Thanks mate. I really enjoyed this little contest. It was really fun to see what everyone would say given the chance and it provided me with a lot of really thoughtful and positive posts to read from some great writers. I'm going to hold another contest with the same question soon cos I think its a really interesting one. :)

Hows things anyway bud? Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I have been keeping tabs on the IFC and it's really going from strength to strength mate. You've got a great little community there and the marketplace idea is really cool as well. I might start offering some drawings or something on it soon. :)I hope it really takes off for you. Also I still have 25 trophy tokens so if you'd like them to give out as prizes let me know and i'll send them to you and if you need anything else just give me a shout.

I'm going to be on pretty much every day from now on so hopefully we can chat a bit more soon.

Have a good one buddy. :)

You're welcome. It's a good contest idea for sure! I've experienced similar in the IFC.. It's something I think a lot of people can benefit from, to spend more time appreciating other peoples content and not just posting their own.

I've generally tried to do that, but even I have primarily been on the output end focusing more on creation than interacting with others on their pages. So.. This has certainly helped balance that much more and I think it's been helpful to show me how valuable it is to spend time "curating" so to speak for lack of a better term. Especially in our contest cause you get to learn so many different interesting things!
Good luck with your next contest!

Things are going great in some ways. Especially with the IFC and these projects I'm working on.. However I once again find myself in front of the computer screen too much, and I can't keep up with all the messages.. So.. I find myself in a difficult place of wanting this all to grow into somethign amazing, and wanting to spend less time in front of computer screens, lol.. It's a difficult problem, but.. I think in time if I work hard now, more and more volunteers will show up to help.. We just had another one today, someone who's been with us since the beginning as a player has offered to help do a post a week about The Marketplace.. And we have another guy doing the catch up rounds.. Plus all the judges and stuff.. It gets complicated though I think we're still interested in growing.. We're entertaining the idea of maybe doing something every day on the IFC account. If we get enough volunteers and people wanting to help.
But.. We gotta try to do it in ways that doesn't add work load on to me or others and which are independent for the most part. But also that work together in tandem. And.. I think it's totally possible!

The community is really strong like you said, I've heard quite a few people tell me it's one of their favorite things on steemit.. I think we're still only just getting started. We're still in the baby steps phase, and some day.. Who knows.. Could be quite a big community. We shall see! :D

That would be so cool if you did something in The Marketplace!! I would be honored and I'm sure the others would love to see you as well. :) It's a very friendly supportive and helpful community! Which is one of my favorite things about it.. A lot of these people wanna help, they're good peoples from what I can tell.
Usually I only find good people here and there you know? It's kinda rare, like meeting you.. You were one of the few people who i thought was really cool and I still do feel that way, now with this community though we have a bunch of really honorable and caring people who impress me on a regular basis. It's really fascinating and fulfilling to me to see. :)

Thanks for the well wishes! And.. I'm not sure what trophy tokens are? But that sounds like something I would be interested in doing. We're also planning on probably making a trophy up for the winner off some site on the internet, like a physical trophy, lol. And ima send em a hat too with the IFC logo on it.. And.. If you could offer some trophy tokens that's be rad as well! I dunno what they mean, but it sounds cool!

Thanks for offering to help!
I'm hesitant to ask cause.. I'm not good at asking for help. But if you would like to help, there's definitely a lot of ways. :) You could help do some more guest judging, the shop you're thinking about is a great idea!! And.. If you wanted to get more involved in the IFC, I would be happy to try to help figure out a way to do that. You're one of my favorite people on here and I'd be honored if you were a part of our community more. :)

Glad to hear you're going to be being on more! I had actually visited your page quite a few times but mostly when I did it was resteems, so that's cool you'll be around more! Cheers man! :D

I'm definitely going to try to be on every day and comment a bit more than I have been the past few months and I'd love to get involved in the IFC somehow. Not sure how long you have left of the season and what your plans are but I'd be up for sponsoring and guest judging another round. I'm sure between us we could come up with an interestimg idea. :)

When you first mentioned the idea of the IFC to me I never realised just how big a project you had in mind or what a great community would form around it. You've done an amazing job mate and I can't imagine how much work its been but I'm sure its been worth it. :)

Give me a shout any time my friend. Hope your day is going well. :)

Whoops! I'm sorry. You're already on our discord I remember now. Darn. I'm overwhelmed. I forgot. So.. Anyways. I made a store for you on there already. :) Feel free to drop by whenever!

Yeah I joined when I guest judged an earlier round and I'll pop on today at some point and say hello. Speak soon mate. :)

Cool! Looking forward to it! I have a feeling some good ideas will bloom. :D I think some already have!

Word! That's awesome. Would love to have you. And yeah! I think we could definitely. Have you used discord before? Could you come on our channel? I'll have a room set up for you and we can talk about this more fluently.

Also.. I never realized it would be this big either! Lol.. Imean in the back of my mind I hoped it would blow up and some day be huge.. And it may still be.. But.. I never knew it would actually work so well and so fast. It's been absolutely amazing. I could talk about it for hours.. The potential is unreal, I hope to help make the world a better place with these people who have become a part of the community.

Time will tell of course! I'm investing steem and time and who knows how much will come back, but I have a feeling it will come back when so many people enjoy it and wanna be a part of it.
We've got like 4 or 5 witnesses helping us.. I think we're off to an amazing start and in time more people will offer to help. :)

Thanks for the nice words! And yeah it's been an insane amount of work and well worth it, though hopefully in time I can pull back more and others will take over.. It seems like a really great idea a lot of people like, in fact it seems like someone even tried to steal the idea already.. I'll tell you more about that another time.

Thank you so much for the reward.
Very much appreciated...

I particularly enjoyed reading through @jadams2k18's post...

It was really really inspiring
Thanks a lot @tonyr for hosting this contest.

It let me share my message with the world and I enjoyed searching my soul for one...

II do hope that you cana tag me when next you chooe tpo hold this contest again...




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Congratulations to all, awesome contest and I hope you do another one!


Oh congratulations to the winners!

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