What can one person do?
When people ask me.. What can I do? What can one person do? I say to them this.. If we are ALL, ONE, and we are, then it is a primary feature that you are in fact connected directly to creator, to the source, any other option is void when ALL in ONE, it is this connection to source, this direct connection to the ALL to the ONE That is the single most significant chance for change that can, does, and will ever exist. It is only your lack of connection to source, to creation, to spirit, that prevents you, being a creature of love and of light and of change, that can, and will, effect change. You want to know what you can do… get your shit together, be the source of change, know it in your heart and in your mind and in your actions, be that change, create it as only we can. There is no more powerful source in the entirety than your will, your will on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level… you, and only you, with your connection to creation, as a co-creator, not only can, but does create all things.
What can you do?
You can change the world by simply having a vision of the world the way you want it to be, not the way others push it upon you, but the way you want. This does not mean we will all agree, ever, but it does mean that simple ideas like the freedom to be the way we want to be without institutional control can exist, like the idea that you can choose how to raise your family, like the way that you would treat the sick, the poor, the hungry and the hurt… the way you would like to be treated in such conditions will reflect the way you are treated in such a scene, and believe me… you are the poor, the weak, the hungry, you are never going to be anything else to those that control you now. Do you think you are not this? Did you wear your mask today…slave. Did you not talk to your friend or brother or sister or mother or son because you/they do not agree? You are controlled and you are the best example of it for such a simple thing. Do you think there is anyone out there just like you? I think you are amazing and I think that your choice is yours, choose well because it will be acted upon you as well.
What can one person do?
One person can and does create an entire world for themselves and then, they willingly share it with everyone they meet. You construct your reality and this is broadcast to all. ALL is ONE. Want more love in your life? Give more love to others. Want more (anything), give it away like you are overfilled with it, cause you are. Want change, be that change. Want to be controlled… you are. This requires nothing of you, compliance, simply obey and complain. What will be the final straw for you? The loss of what? Know this… one, such as you, can make a difference, the only difference one, such as you, can make, is to ones self. Each of us is tasked with this simple mission, to be the best we can be, to be the person we want others to be, to be whom others think we are, to be who we are… can you do this? Are you able to even know what this mission is, do you know what it means to be you? If this is not easy enough then try to do this, be there for someone else. Protect someone who is not able to stand for themselves, fight for them, with no regard for self. Be brave and trust that what you want for those you love is good enough for you. I know it is. You can make a difference, and together, each of us acting as one, will be ONE. Lastly, do your own research… seek information, do not let it simple find you or be thrust upon you. You will be amazed at what you can discover, for yourself, when you look, for yourself. The universe loves you and wants you to have everything you desire, choose wisely and begin. We are all counting on you haha… But you are, only you can do this for you, no-one else will ever change you, this is your task alone. Don’t be afraid to get what you want.
Much love…. ANu