:moneybag: One minute read on WHAT is STEEMIT and WHY it is the start to changing the world.

in #what8 years ago

Steemit is showing how the future will possibly migrate to a 'different way of valuing something'. Essentially, money or currency as we know it (as a form of value-transfer) will no longer be the only form to 'recognise' value and then 'transfer' that value.

The blogging or written-word community has always had value, but fiat currency has been 'imperfect' as a medium to recognise that value and then transfer it. Steemit is a system that has been designed or tweaked to specifically capture the value from this type of community and then provides a pathway to ultimately transform it to bitcoin or fiat to use within a wider economic sense. BTC, fiat, DASH etc are what I call "Generalised Currency" where Steem is a specific one. An analogy would be the 'shopping car' versus 'the bus'. The shopping car is ideal to go shopping in, it's small, easy to park and very cheap to run but it holds at maximum 4 people. The bus on the other hand is the opposite of the car but it holds 100 people. They are both both modes of transport to move people around to meet their specific objectives i.e. those on a bus are dropped off at close to their approximate destination. Those in the car have a specific destination and can get much closer to their objective. We have lived in a world where only buses were available to transfer-value and 100% controlled by others (Governments & banks). That situation is now changing.

The value from products/projects like steemit come directly from those who use it (not governments or banks). Its value starts off at '0' but if it fulfills a need then value is afforded to it by that community alone. So basically, a whole lot of steem was thrown into a big pot and everyone was told to transfer it to others content (not theirs). At the same time a channel was opened up to traders to trade this steem money on exchanges if they thought it had value. So far they think it does because people are willing to give them bitcoin for it.

This is an approximation of what’s going on here. The future is going to be filled by thousands of these types of community valued products. This will not threaten the current financial system as some would have you believe. It will compliment it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 66804.20
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66