The Whaleshares Contest / The Most Embarrassing Moment!

in #whaleshares7 years ago

Dear friends, between work and the world cup it has been hard to sit down in front of the computer and dedicate time to his lovely platform. But today I am bringing a new fun Whaleshares contest for you:

I am sure you have had at least 1 embarrassing situation in your life, either at work or in public, that made you wish to disappear instantly. I remember I had plenty, some of them were hard to get over lol. Well, I invite you to share your experience with us and the funniest will win.


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As usual, this contest is sponsored by the Whaleshares Community and of course it’s always an honor to mention one of the coolest steemians in our community ➩ @krazykrista who is always supporting and giving the whaleshares for this contest!

So the question for this great contest to participate in is:

What has been the most embarrassing situation you have ever had in your life?

In order to participate and maybe win the prizes, you just have to follow these rules:

  • Write your response as a comment down below.
  • If you want to add a picture to be more expressive, go ahead.
  • Upvote this post.
  • Don't forget your Bitshares Account Name

You do not have to resteem the post, but your support would be appreciated, so that your friends and followers can also participate.

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I am very curious to read your entries, and I am expecting to have fun reading them.

The contest will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place based on the most funny experience.

How will the Whaleshares be distributed?

  • 1st ➟ 50 WS
  • 2nd ➟ 25 WS
  • 3rd ➟ 15 WS

Winners will be chosen right after 7 days of this post!

Everyone is invited to participate, don’t miss this opportunity to earn some Waleshares!

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How do you receive your Whaleshares Tokens?

You will need to have a Bitshares/Openledger account, a blockchain platform.
Here is a link for you to create an account: Sign Up
Please visit to learn more about this project or read this great post of @sykochica What is whaleshares

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To participate in more contest and get involved in the Whaleshares Community, join their Discord Server

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Thanks for this contest @el-cr ..hahaha

I can never forget this day, very embarrassing to me though I was still a kid but I could still feel it sometimes.
It was an unfortunate day for me, I was 10 years old, I went to school. On my way coming back home, I saw many frogs in a river, I told some of my friends (guys) to help me collect some. Besides, I never knew the difference between toads and frogs, all I knew then was that we used to eat one type.

As I got home, my dad collected my bag to check my books for scores. Immediately he opened it, the frogs jumped out of the bag into the compound. My dad called out some neighbours to kill them.

At this point, I started shivering, he told me to pull off my school uniform, I was left with my pant alone. All the children we came from school together were looking and laughing at me while I was beaten nakedly.

Bitshares Account Name: princessdharmy1

Wow! you were beaten nakedly for being a child basically. What a story @princessharmy I bet it was very embarrassing.

Like I can't forget a scene of it.. Hahaha

The most embarrassing situation of my life was in secondary school. We were having our inter-house sports and I was to represent my house in the track and field events . Considering the fact that all parents were invited I had to come with my mom. So I dressed up and wore my sport wear before putting on my school uniform .

On getting to school, it was time to race and I was asked to hurry and dress-up for the race, knowing that I had the sport wear already and I decided to pull off my uniform hurriedly. Unfortunately for me, I pulled off all at once and I was stack-naked right in front of over 3,000 people . I was so embarrassed that I wish I could disappear immediately .

@el-cr , Please I am issues creating a Bit share account

no worries, whats your issue?

Creating the bit share account always pop up errors and whenever I try creating another , I get this notification (One account per IP and still login isn't functioning)

you should join their Discord Server and ask Support Help here

I have never heard of this issue.

Alright.. I'll do just that . Thanks

hey @okoyecb I asked in the Discord and this is the answered I got:

that is because there is a function to prevent bots to create hundreds of accounts. There is a easy workaround: use another front end like or just for account creation. All these front ends work the same way and are interchangeable. I think the "one account per ip" resets after a certain time too. So waiting might also do the trick.

I would recommend you to open account using

As soon as you have your account name, let me know so I can send you your rewards!

Thanks for the assistance , I was able to create an account using one the front-ends provided on discord (

Here is my Account Name : okoyecb1

LOL wow man! getting naked in front of 3,000 people by accident. How old were you?

I was 15 at the time of this event. Lol

Hi el-cr, thanks for taking out time to drop this contest
I've had several embarrassing experiences growing up but the one that really sticks is the "Oliver twist" experience. So called because it happened in boarding school, high school years were quite experimental and i think any one would agree. This time it was about letting my pride down and getting my bowels filled!
Incidentally it wasnt a good day to ask for more, so by the time I strolled prestigiously to the counter to get my plate refilled for the first time ever.. It wasn't common for a senior to publicly request a refill (we had a rep to uphold) lol 😂 😂


Empty! No more food Oliver Twist!
This came from the usually loud food master as his voice echoed throughout the cafeteria filled with a crowd of witnesses (boys, girls, juniors, mates, seniors, my crush, haters, fans, etc.)
Long story short, it took me weeks to rebuild my rep (which was down 30%)
So I took a vow which I still keep till date. 😀
Bts: tekadii022

Hi @tekadii so you reputation went down because you asked for more food? Is it for real that everyone had to build up a reputation in boarding school? Like in steemit?

Haha, you got it right man.. No one really wants to be tagged a glutton.

Heey another cool contest! This is a funny contest indeed, so lets start..

The most embarrassing moment of my life was when I was 18 years old. A normal day I went to a public place that we call cyber, typically this is a room full of computers where many people meet to play online games.

I used to go to that cyber in particular very often so I knew everyone there, but this cyber had two rooms, divided by a glass door (so you can imagine what happened).

One day I spent more than 8 hours playing online and when my stepfather came looking for me he tought it was funny to play me a little joke. He closed the glass door and wave me to leave, so I turned off the computer but my eyes were tired, I was thinking that the door was open and walk into it and Baaam hit my forehead with the glass door.

My body bounced and fell to the floor, It sounded so loud that everyone noticed and started to laugh. At that time I wanted to be swallow by the earth and I never went to that cyber again.

Now, almost 10 years later, I think about it and I laugh so fucking hard hahaha

Bts acc: leribyleri1992

lol that happened to me too once by accident. Your stepfather must have felt very bad or did he laugh too ?

Yeeep, he is an asshole and always do that kind of pranks so he was laughing, he tried to hide the laugh but he could not Lol

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