Whalepower Mid-September | Cost Efficiency | Have your say

in #whalepower6 years ago

We have comes to some conclusion. That many Users are very Selfish.
That there won't be Any Freebies, The Level of Supporters are actually User and Abuser.
We need your Opinion ;
  1. Continue to provide support to you All.
  2. Start Charging Monthly Subscription and provide to pay only subscribers .
    Have your say.
    Vote for it.

Kami telah menyampai pada suatu kesimpulan. Bahwa banyak Pengguna sangat egois.
Bahwa tidak akan ada Free, Tingkat Pendukung sebenarnya adalah Pengguna dan Pelaku.
Kami membutuhkan Pendapat Anda;

  1. Terus berikan dukungan untuk Anda Semua.
  2. Mulai Pengisian Langganan Bulanan dan sediakan hanya untuk penbayar pelanggan saja.
    Katakan saja.
    Beri suara anda.

#whalepower A Project for Better Community
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If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.

Written by @bullionstackers


#2. This will also help you to zone in on and weed out who is using and abusing. Just remember that people like me have only 2-3 cents worth at 100% upvote at full power. I am happy that you are letting us vote on this.

Saya ingin berlangganan, bagaimana caranya?

Hello @p3d1

I am

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Nothing free, I will always remember the motto that is often expressed by the #whalepower maestro @bullionstackers, so for this case I chose number 2

That is tough, I think it would depend on the amount a subscription would cost, since if it is too high some smaller accounts may not be able to pay and there is also a chance of only getting what you payed for back.

I subscribe every month but I am satisfied with your support.



Makes more sense if we pay some monthly sub if people are abusing it...

It is hard to say.
Some may not be able to afford monthly subscription but looking for a good support.
It was great of you helping us all. I'm very grateful.
Maybe we need more action on discord?
I hardly see a link on promotion page.
It's very quiet there.

We Appreciates your input, we are looking into it.
We already helps many , All they see is a $$$ print machine.
Did not bother reading community notice and support our guild program.
The subscription help building our funds to build more accounts to sustain many members.

Semua kembali kepada team whalepower, jika memang fokus untuk yang berlangganan atau juga buat pengguna tag whalepower dengan posting bagus juga mendapat sedikit vote reward

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