Observing the ant's life and behavior will never be boring
There are hundreds of species of ants with thousands of amazing behaviors
Although they live freely in colonies containing thousands of populations, it is very rare that we find conflict between them, there is only togetherness, mutual help and continue to greet each other when passing
That meriti ijak bang euh, lagee aneuk dara woe bak pesta keudeh .
Bak lon peurati, sang bak hi lagee cut nya wo di moun....😅😅
Man yee sit bang yan
Upvote yaa..
tulisan yang bagus
mohon pencerahannya untuk saya dlam bidang steemit karna saya baru di dunia steemit, kunjungan master ketempat saya sangat saya harapkan. terimakasih
Insya Allah, in next time, I'm still learn to
Live freely in the colony doesn't mean no rules. There are strictly rules that bind all members, and there are a leader among them. All member has it's own duty and they working hard with no quarrel, obey the leader and love each other. If only, human can do and imitating ants behavior, we will succses in everything we do on our lives
I like this one, your comment are awesome
Thank you @tripleem
sat hawo teh ta pakek macro..
Krem sbd meu 8 neuk keu @abudar atawa @anasz ngat ta ingat lensa makro u rumah.....😎😎
Very nice..
Vote back..
Singouh-ngouh hana suah lakee vote back keudeeh, males teguh ji kalon lee gop,
Komen beu pah, adak hana neu lakee insya Allah ta vote balek syit, komitmen geutanyou Aceh na keuh saleng bantu (teu gantung bak wat vote, kadang hana wat ka keuh hana ta vote)
Wat vote = Power Vote
very beautiful photo ...@elshadr
ant life is very unique, and extraordinary
Yes, you are right. Togetherness and mutual help can easy the work as ants can take 3-4 times bigger things than themselves and with there mutual help they can do many work that cannot be done alone.
Semut nakal
andai saja diantara sekian banyak sifat manusia selalu didasari oleh sifat demikian ,niscaya kehidupan ini akan selalu mudah dalam berbagai hal.