Magical Steem Beans of Whalepower

There are Three Magical Steem Beans, in #whalepower .

What are they? Where are they?

  • Virtue Magical Bean ( The First Bean ) , you can search for the meaning yourself.

  • The Second Magical Steems Bean is called The Fellowship Bean , in #steemit The secret of Success is able to have influence , therefore you will have many great Followers.

  • The last Magical Bean is call The Wild Magical Bean , sometimes refer to as The Magical Bean of HOPE
    Magical Steem Bean works wonder. Sometimes refer to as "Split Beans" , anything is possible in Steemit.
    Where there is "Hope" ! , everyone deserve to have one.


Apakah itu? Dimana kita mencari nya?

  • Keajaiban Kachang Ajaib ("Kachang Pertama"), Anda bisa mencari sendiri maknanya .
  • Kachang Ajaib kedua disebut Kachang Persahabatan, di #steemit Rahasia Sukses dapat memiliki pengaruh, oleh karena itu anda akan memiliki banyak pengikut "yang terhebat" .
  • Kacang ajaib yang terakhir adalah panggilan Kue Ajaib Liar, kadang-kadang disebut sebagai Kachang Ajaib terakhir "Kachang Harapan"

Sihir Kachang Ajaib bekerja heran. Kadang-kadang lihat sebagai "Kachang membagi", ada sesuatu yang mungkin ada di Steemit.
Dimana ada "Harapan"! , setiap orang berhak memilikinya.

Can The Last Magical Bean be created? It takes 12 x authors to create additional Magical Beans.
What's this means? Those that are selfish may not able to get it, that's why it is Magical
The Wild Magical Bean meaning stand for ( Hope , Generosity and Success )


Bisakah Kachang Ajaib yang terakhir dibuat nya? Dibutuhkan 12 x penulis untuk membuat tambahan Kachang Ajaib.
Apa artinya ini kalau yang egois mungkin tidak bisa mendapatkannya, itu sebabnya itu Ajaib
The Kachang Liar Ajaib yang berarti berdiri untuk (Harapan, Kemurahan Hati and Keberhasilan)

Now go and look for it.

#whalepower Currently Promoting Reading / Writing

#whalepower A Project for Better Community

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If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.

#whalepower Help-Desk Discordapp @bullionstackers

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There are Magic in #whalepower
Supported Follow , you guys are Awesome!

"Hope , Generosity and Success are the keys words."

And we, the #whalepower family can make it happen.
as long as one following to be generous, and helping each other.
just like what you guys always doing

The Word "HOPE" has good meaning

it is a very good meaning

It's deep philosophy @bullionstackers.
Lemme translate witt my opinion by my self.On Steemit, not only we good in writing or make good posts every day, but also we have to build community, and grow together with each others.
Thanks for a good sharing.

saling membantu yag lebih penting, selainperlunya membuat kita bertumbuh dan berkembang

Betul sekali Mas @ekavieka.
Kita tidak bisa tumbuh dan berkembang di Steemit secara individualitas.Saling mensupport dgn azas kekeluargaan.

Keep Steem on, Mas😉

Sebuah arti makna kata yang hebat. Menjadikan contoh untuk kita semua, untuk lebih memahami dari arti kaca ajaib tersebut. Ada orang bijak mengatakan " jika kita tanaman kebaikan maka akan berbuah kebaik, dan dapat kita nikmati bersama-sama." Sukses selalu @bullionstackers

woow very nice your post, a very good word about magic beans

The power of three magic beans is in #whalepower.
we as a society that supports #whalepower already can feel the greatness of the magic beans, through the team of curator #whalepower.
thanks @bullionstackers and the whole community team #whalepower

Pencaharian kacang ajaib harus dilakukan dengan hati yang tulus, agar dapat menemukan arti yang sesungguhnya. @bullionstackers

I miss three Magical Beans

Common unity, #Whalepower is a golden thread which has bound me to these beans, generosity, hope, and success are guranteed when we share our common unity.
Thank you @bullionstackers for this concept, and for the use of common unity to build a mutual aid movement.

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