The Dark Night / Malam Yang Kelam

in #whalepower6 years ago


Light of lightning visible enveloped in every corner of the view, the wind blows cold and fast through every gap and now he land here.

Cahaya petir tampak menyelimuti di setiap sudut pandangan, angin bertiup dingin dan cepat menembus setiap celah dan sekarang dia mendarat di sini.


If we are in the Mountains this is a common thing here, because with the cold air and easy to dig can happen and yes as you know rain becomes a daily activity here.

Bila kita berada di Pegunungan ini merupakan menjadi hal biasa di sini, karena dengan udara yang dingin dan dengan mudah mendum bisa terjadi dan ya seperti kalian tahu hujan menjadi aktifitas sehari hari di sini.


The dark night is now full of moonlight and the star proves that without them our lives are empty and full of darkness.The wind is cool and peaceful bringing the heart more peaceful and peaceful. It is life to continue to be grateful and do not forget the world full of falsehood.

Malam yang gelap sekarang penuh cahaya bulan dan bintang membuktikan bahwa tanpa mereka hidup kita kosong dan penuh kegelapan. Angin sejuk dan damai membawa hati lebih damai dan damai. Hiduplah untuk terus bersyukur dan jangan lupa dunia penuh dengan kepalsuan.


Thank you Allah , thanks for all of you, my best friend who still remain faithful to accompany me and follow the beauty of this nature...Thanks you...

Terima kasih Allah, terima kasih untuk kalian semua, sahabat sahabatku yang masih tetap setia menemaniku dan mengikuti indahnya alam ini... Thanks you.. .

Thanks for community @paul-gillbanks and @bullionstakers > @whalepower

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Beautiful photos! You're so lucky to get to see the stars. In the city sky, I'm lucky if I can see three. I've only seen a sky full of stars once ever in my life, in my 20s. It was a spiritual experience for me.

You right, beautiful things are hard to get, but if we find it it's a very unusual thing..
Hi @phoenixwren, come here to Aceh(indonesia) I will take you with me to around the beautiful place here :D :)

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