A peaceful and colorful afternoon / Sore yang Tenang dan Penuh Warna

in #whalepower6 years ago


Hi steemian ...
Greetings from me for you who are there .. may always be healthy and in the protection of Allah...


Mount Salak Aceh which is located in North Aceh-Bener Meriah cross has now completely transformed into one of the new tourist destinations in Aceh are quite crowded in the tourists visit.

Gunung Salak Aceh yang berada di lintas Aceh Utara-Bener Meriah kini berubah total menjadi salah satu destinasi baru wisata di Aceh yang cukup ramai di kunjungi para wisatawan.


To go to the mountain salak we do not need much time because from my house we only spend 1hour course.

Untuk menuju ke gunung salak kita tidak membutuhkan banyak waktu karena dari rumahku kita hanya menghabiskan 1jam saja perjalanan.


Yellow light enveloped the sky


The afternoon light looks beautiful from a distance, with its yellow light shining all over the world and now I'm starting to go home.

Cahaya sore terlihat indah dari kejauhan, dengan cahaya kuningnya memancar ke seluruh dunia dan Kini aku mulai beranjak pulang.


Looks calm and peaceful


These are some portraits of the beauty of the soaring light there. It seems quiet and quiet not too many people who are on the street only a few cars that look dirty because they are workers who have completed the task.

Ini adalah beberapa potret tentang indahnya cahaya yang menjulang tinggi di sana. Nampak sepi dan tenang tidak terlalu banyak warga yang berada di jalan hanya beberapa mobil saja yang nampak kotor karena mereka para pekerja yang sudah menyelesaikan tugasnya.


Thank you Allah , thanks for all of you, my best friend who still remain faithful to accompany me and follow the beauty of this nature...Thanks you...

Terima kasih Allah, terima kasih untuk kalian semua, sahabat sahabatku yang masih tetap setia menemaniku dan mengikuti indahnya alam ini... Thanks you.. .

Thanks for community @paul-gillbanks and @bullionstakers > @whalepower

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The only good piece in the museum

is very beautiful sunset i loved this posting, in my profile i have the amazing sunset too have a nice day

Yes I have seen your profile and some of your articles, nice we can share stories :)

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