18一發Give away 8 SBD + SDB Payout from this post | 在这帖送出 8 SBD + 这帖的全SDB奖励 (by @ace108)
Why? 为什么?
Because countdown to Chinese New Year is 21 days

Image source | 图来源: Pixabay.com
Rules to participate | 参加规则
点赞这帖子,并猜测2018年1月29日星期一新加坡博彩最小的3个号码(1到49)。 正确猜测3位数字的人将从我的这篇+8 SBD分享SBD支付。 如果没有人正确猜测这三个号码,这个帖的SBD奖励+我个人的8 SBD的奖金将由全部提交猜测的人分享。
Those who only upvote but did not guess and those who only guess but did not upvote will not be eligible for a share of the prize
You don't have to resteem but if you do, the payout should be higher and so the total prize pool should be higher too.
你不用resteem但如果你resteem, 奖励应该会高点而总奖金也会高点。

Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

For Good Luck
Three 888
Don't Need to Enter! ( 100% Up )
Good Luck to the Lucky One.
God Bless!
Thank You #whalepower for gracing this event.
@ace108 Can I gain your support on my first post?
2, 9, 18
Guess 2, 9, 18.
Thanks for participating.
1, 3,28
Guess 1, 3, 28.
Thanks for participating.
Guess 3, 7, 13.
Thanks for participating.
Guess 5, 15, 20.
Thanks for participating.
3, 7, 21
Good luck to everyone!
Guess 3, 7, 21.
Thanks for participating.
Guess 9, 26, 38.
Thanks for participating.
Guess 3, 17, 23.
Thanks for participating
2, 7, 13
Guess 2, 7, 13.
Thanks for participating.