Stand Up Against Fake News With Nathaniel Biddle!
Hi Steemit and Steemians. Hello to the minnows, the dolphins, and the whales. We all have so much value and we all have so much untapped potential. I'm Nathaniel Biddle, if you aren't already one of my 15,000 Followers who know me as @biddle. Today I want to enlist all of you in a movement to end misinformation in the media. Boolean, The News Accuracy Platform on the Ethereum Blockchain is a project that I have been working diligently on for the last year; the Beta of the Platform is launching in Q2 2018 and you can create your account ahead of time at:

I'm asking that those on Steemit come together today to buy Booleancoin to drive this platform inevitably onto sites like Facebook, Twitter, Fox, CNN, and the many other sites that so desperately need it to keep them honest. Bias, Inaccuracy, and Misinformation are flagrant in the media and Boolean will employ self-correcting, ever-improving web crawlers and machine learning to flag these harmful elements of Social Media and News Platforms. Boolean will counter machine learning problems in advertising that lead to confirmation bias in users of these platforms as a result of only being provided with sponsored information that they are likely to click on, like, or comment on. Boolean will provide real-time metrics to users regarding News Accuracy AS they consume news, a first-of-its-kind feature set that has use cases spanning across FinTech, Politics, and Academia among many other sectors. Students, researchers, investors, voters, and many others will benefit from this to no end. Become a part of this movement and help the world change for the better; the success that comes from this benefits all involved, as Booleancoin is what drives function, transaction, and reward on the platform. Do you want to use your power and your energy to create a better world and make money at the same time?
Now, you can buy it at,, or at, but I am currently carrying out a sale that is exclusively for Steemians, because as founder of GainingSteem.Com, the company that is creating Boolean, we value Steemit dearly and we know that it has a vibrant, beautiful future. The details of the deal are at:
The Deal Is This:

Okay, I'll send you 5 SBD to get 500 Booleancoins! Or is it only available for 1SBD ?
Hi @trendo, I've sent your 700 Booleancoins to the provided address: 0xe86b7e70D533b38C1fdcF4CC6eeC8C4561411fC1
Thanks for your support! :)
Thank you!
No you can send any amount you want.. i have sent 4sbd for 400bool, great deal
Ah that's great then!
Great deal i will try it. Thanks
100 Boolean = 1SBD true?
It is true. He had it in my wallet the same day.
Hi @armadillocreek, your Booleancoins have been sent as well!
I checked this morning and they are there! Thanks!
And what is the price by dollar ?
Hi @soufianechakrouf, currently it is $10 for 100, so 1 SBD is a huge sale. :)
Great but how many markets deal with?
Booleancoin isn't listed on an exchange yet, as it is still in the ICO phase, but the roadmap has exchange listings scheduled for end Q2/Q3 2018, likely starting with Cryptopia and then expanding to exchanges such as Bittrex, Poloniex, and Binance. :)
That is great then i will read the white paper and after i will take the last decision
I can not buy in these days but Iam following boolean. thanks for informations.
Looks a great deal
1 SBD For 100 Booleancoins...Wow it's perfect one.
Thanks for sharing agreat idea keep it up
Gos bless you
Great deal I really like it
But sir can you tell me sbd minimum or maximum limit.
Hi @kain196, the minimum is 1 SBD and there is no maximum (within the limits of the available booleancoins in the ICO, which is about 12.5 million left)! :)
Thank you sir for kind information.
You're very welcome!
thanks information has opened the opportunity to join together
Excellent deal looking. Thanks for information.