We-Write - Tales & Stories only!

Dear #wewrite free writers.
For this week only I welcome you to the Tales & Stories community.
The title says it all Tales & Stories only!
I assume that everyone knows what a story or tale is! No, that is not the text that you write about your personal photo or a day in your life. A story is what I hear at the campfire, what has been told through the ages by travelling storytellers. Think of the sagas, legends, myths, fairy tales, fables and historical stories about the heroes that we have heard about in history.
Stories are also written (scripts) for films, theatre, operas, operettas and by the advertising world and here too the intention is not only to get the attention of the reader but also to captivate them until the end. Is this easy? No, because everyone has his own wishes and if it comes to stories written online they are rarely read if they are long but there are a few rules that you can apply.
A catchy title that relates to your text or that is perhaps attractive enough to go and see what has been written (clickbait).
A story you should start right away (in the middle is fine so simply delete that difficult start). We all know that people read quickly or hardly on the internet and an introduction, greeting all friends, thanking for organizing a contest, discussing how you feel, mentioning the organizer of the competition or course is enough to *not want to read on en skip most of the text or leave!
Write this kind of information at the bottom of your text, it should not follow a catchy title. Ask yourself would you still buy Harry Potter if the first 100 pages were filled with this kind of text? Would you watch a film if the first 40 minutes are boring?Conclusion?
Why do you write a conclusion at the bottom of your story? Do you think your reader is an idiot, someone with a low IQ that you feel the need to explain the story you wrote?
Or is it that you do this for yourself because you do not understand your own text? If that is the case, then it is wiser to start over. If you do not understand what you wrote, then making up a conclusion does not help your reader to understand what you mean.
Writing a story is fun, but leave it up to the reader to decide what he/she actually reads and what the moral, if any, of your story is. That is the purpose of art, and therefore also the art of writing.NOTE: Follow the rules and think about your title, hashtags and the fact you should write a story (fiction).
Only good stories are accepted, no introductions and no conclusions!
If the rules above aren't followed you will receive a notification. Your text will be muted after the payout date if you don't edit.

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Story writing has always been something I have been involved in for years but over these years, my writings were in books as I always set out time to create my characters, by doing so I write their names and roles in a another book and I also write out table of contents.
They are storybooks in intend to publish someday, I also used it as a means of keeping myself busy because I didn't have a phone then. I upgraded to the extent I started writing plays and not just prose.
If you see the way I used to take story writing serious, you will never agree that medical course is the best for me, literature is something I love alot but I developed passion for laboratories more.
Joining steemit made me to learn how to write online after reading so many other people's story writing posts and others. I used to write and post love poems then but I stopped it for no reason.
I agree with this, whenever we write stories online, a conclusion isn't really necessary, we can just add some part of it at the ending of our post without making a Conclusion heading.
I believe we are what we are and will do what we like and are good at. I would say write and improve. The great thing of making handwritten notes is you always have them at hand and can reuse the thoughts in different settings, workout idea, bring alive what you penned down years ago.
Readers, those who really read, see the details and read between the lines and are getting rare. A reader reads, takes a pause and reads on or rereads. With everyone on the internet, typing, posting adding introductions,conclusions it's hard to find a text that will keep the attention and keaves room for the reader to use his imagination. If you spell out every detail and feel the need to explain what you wrote this means you count with the fact your readers are nit able to think for themselves or you are not able to trigger their fantasy and make them wonder, doubt, laugh, be angry or touched.
A conclusion is good if you did a scientific test but not if it comes to stories or if you join a contest.
Happy writing!
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