Winston's Digital Wet Plate Photography :: THE EYES HAVE IT
This was actually the child of one of our clients, and while I was perusing our old collection of jobs I saw this photo and felt it would be perfect for this. His blue eyes just pop with the wet plate treatment.

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Wetplate photos have some mystery atmosphere. Like half work is already done with background effect that gives technique itself. Nice work @winstonwolfe.
It's funny you say that because I've got a particular lens in mind to buy that would lend to the authentic appearance. It's a Sigma 30mm f/1.4 Art lens. Normally you don't want a lens that produces a vignette in-camera but that's exactly what this lens does when you put it on a full-frame body. The wide angle of the 30mm + the narrow depth of field produced by the f/1.4 aperture + the vignette it produces all help with that look.
Well it's much easier choice than to do real wet plates @winstonwolfe. I have a friend who is having real vintage camera and he is making all those old techniques on plates with chemicals..I call him ''alchemist'' :)
Yes, just the perfect subject matter! So beautifully done, it looks like the real thing! What an adorable little boy too with the perfect expression for a traditional portrait!
By the way, I can't see a larger image when I click on it. I get an error message and a blank screen.
Thanks. :)
And that's weird. It wasn't working for me either, said "access denied" or something.
Refreshing fixed it for me, though. Try again and see if it still doesn't work. If not I'll try something else.
No, that doesn't work. For me, it says that the image can't be displayed because it has errors. ???
Do you use this code where you put the full address of the image between the square brackets and then copy whatever is inside the rounded brackets created at that address and place that inside the second set of brackets?
Fixed. :)
Great! Ah, those eyes! ;-)
WOW! You are correct about that!
Such a beautiful little boy. I love this vintage retro photo. Great job on it!
I could open it in a new tab no problem. It looks just as fabulous zoomed in.
Why is he looking so serious ? Nice photography too.
By the time this picture was taken, he was just done. He was ready to go home.
This face is kind of a "get that thing out of my face" face.
He's absolutely adorable. This picture captures the essence of that moment when a toddler is no longer a baby.