Now I can't delete the post, because I made a mistake with the first tag, and you commented with your spam. If you had made even one cent on upvotes, I would flag it away. But you can't even word your spam wisely enough to get any at all. Bravo. Pathetic.
You won't tell me what to do.
I really want to know about the Wenty Four-Hour short story though. WHAT IS THE SECRET?? WHY WON'T YOU TELL US???
Looking forward to upvoting this post when my VP is recharged instead of your other one, because I know it will piss you off.
I hope you get anal warts.
Is it OK to resteem this?
Well, it's better than most things in trending. :P
Check out
Now I can't delete the post, because I made a mistake with the first tag, and you commented with your spam. If you had made even one cent on upvotes, I would flag it away. But you can't even word your spam wisely enough to get any at all. Bravo. Pathetic.