HOW WEIRD!!! Blue Blood? Apple's Feather Pen effect? or...?
For todays WeirdWednesday (a challenge by @brevebronovan), I share with you this picture I took this morning after writing several posts for Steemit. I'm using my laptop, a Macbook as you can see.
The Weird thing is: The Blue on my finger tips!
- Did I type so much I started bleeding? >>> Action: I need to research my family tree to figure out if I'm belonging to some Royal Family
- Do Royal's really have blue Blood? >>> Action: Get a meeting setup with our Dutch King Willem Alexander and cut him to check his blood colour
- A brand new Apple invention with keyboards producing blue to mark the user for the rest of the world to see that the user is a writer? >>> Action: Get an appointment at the Genius Bar of my nearest Apple Store
Since the photograph also has some yellow in it, I think it qualifies for @kalemandra's colorchallenge WednesdayYellow. I don't think the blue will be gone by Friday, therefore this entry I also link to FridaySkyBlue.
How Weird and How Blue !!!
images taken with my iPhone 6s / no post processing
Weekday Challenges
MonochromeMonday by @old-guy-photos
TreeTuesday by @old-guy-photos
BeachWednesday by @lizanomadsoul
WeirdWednesday by @brevebronovan
SunThursday by @lizanomadsoul
LoveFriday by @liliana.duarte
MarketFriday by @dswigle
SaturdayView by @luxurylifestyle
BeerSaturday by @detlev
BeautifulSunday by @ace108
SundayScentExperience by @dutchess
Color Weekday Challenge
Colorchallenge by @kalemandra
White is White Weekday Challenge
whiteiswhite by @dmcamera
Monday: White Photographed Against White
Tuesday: Animals
Wednesday: Flowers
Thursday: Food And Drink
Friday: Architecture
Saturday: Water In Nature
Sunday: Anything Goes
My Picture Day - Weekly Challenge
MyPictureDay by @timsaid
So what is it? Pen ink?
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