1st Month of Story Before Starting 6 Pack Abs Exercises#Physiosapproach
Hello folks! Now today I will explain you 1st month exercise regimen before starting your abs training. I will cover month by month, 4 months pre-six pack abs training as I mentioned in my previous post about the workout you must go through to avoid any painful physical condition. I am gonna explain you the detailed workout required before starting the hardcore abs training. This workout is really necessary because by this way you are preparing your body for the upcoming extensive training. I am not discouraging anyone but this is true as I have seen many guys opted to rule out of their abs training because of inability to do such hard exercises or due to the pain in arms, abdomen, back, or thighs. Mind my words that wrong training can results in permanent disability too, however its is a rare scenario but no one knows the future!
So first think what you want to achieve, what are your abilities, your strength, your weaknesses, and finally set your goal, of-course the practical one! If you are aiming to make your carrier in movies and theaters then make the efforts likewise and pull out the maximum of your body. If you want to be city cool hunk than work hard to fetch as much as possible out of you at every stage. If you want normal fitness, than don't go for extreme extensive training and follow the normal fitness regimen.
So first month is for weight loss. Lose as much weight as possible. There are certain ways. Although these ways are not applicable for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, BP, heart problems, or any critical illness but don't lose hope, I will also get something for people having aforementioned ailments.
So our protocol will be brisk walking, average pace running, and than sprinting.
Step 1: For initial 10 days we will do brisk walking for an hour or so. Keep increasing your time as your body allows.
After 10 days we can move on slow running, but keep in mind that this duration of changing gears can varies from individual to individual. After 10 days go for slow running if your body allows.
Step 2: Than next 10 days practice for running at average pace. After 20 days you will feel by your own about the endurance difference from very first day.
Step 3: Now it's time to go for the kill. Your body will now definitely support you if you ask for more! Start sprinting from 21st day if all goes well by now. Sprinting is a type of running for short distance at your maximum pace. Here you can also opt for an elite interval training that is used by the professional athletes.
In the mean time please don't forget to follow your diet! Yes, the is the main component of the training. I'm not up for the very strict diet at this stage by even cutting the complete salts intake but do refrain from carbs and calories. You can increase the protein intake but stick to the natural proteins only.
See it is as important to lose weight in abs training as undergoing and completing the complete training. Because as much extra fat you remove from your body initially, as soon the muscles start coming in shape and start showing their curves! And if you do not lose fat, then this will be the added burden in your abs training and ultimately people lose their focus. And I'm pretty sure that if you guys follow even 80-90% of the training, this will be the big stance towards your set goals.
I hope you guys are getting benefit from my posts. Please let me know how you guys like the post and suggestions are always welcome! And also let me know if anyone has scope of improvement in the above mentioned fitness regimen. I will be glad to know. See you again!