in #weightloss3 years ago


CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE:- https://bit.ly/3pnjthk

About Alan

I work full time in a sales office which entails sitting behind a desk for most of the day.

Dieting History
I have previously, and unsuccessfully, tried the Atkins diet.

I found that completely cutting out many of the things I enjoyed not only unrewarding but also that depriving myself of these things only made me want them more.

On wlr I found that I could enjoy things I always had done by making adjustments elsewhere.

"Keeping the diary also made me more conscious of portion sizes and actually how much I was eating in a day."
I could still have that chocolate bar but do I really need to eat the whole thing at once? If so could I eat more veg for dinner and have a smaller portion of meat to balance things out a bit?

It sounds really simple but just seeing your daily intake laid out in the simple diary format made it easy to make these decisions.

"I did not realise until I lost the weight how much it was affecting my health both physically and mentally. "
Pains I had, and always convinced myself weren’t related to my weight, slowly disappeared.

How Being Overweight Affected Alan
Alan Before: 19st in Florida
Alan Before: 19st in Florida
Alan's Stats
Start Current
Weight 19st 7lbs 12st 4lbs
BMI 39.1 obese 24.6 healthy
Waist 44" 32"
Alan lost 12 inches from his waist
(as well as over 7 stone in weight!)

When I think about the weight I have lost it is almost as if at my heaviest I was carrying around another person. No wonder my back and knees ached.

I even find I get up a lot easier in the morning and my mind as well as my body feels more active.

"I find myself wanting to do things, and go places that in the past felt like too much of an effort. "
I am a lot happier in myself, I started to feel ready to move on in my life, I got married because I felt more confident to do so after starting to see the weight come off.

Now we have our 1st child on the way and I have even enrolled on a degree.

Losing the weight has given me the confidence and motivation to do these things.

Motivation to Lose Weight
Before joining wlr I had not touched the scales for years and convinced myself that I was still 16 stone, the weight I was not long after I left college.

I had always convinced myself that I could never be an “average” weight, that I was just “well built” and carried off looking big, being any lighter just wouldn’t suit me.

"This went on for a few years, my jean sizes all the while getting bigger and bigger. "
Then about 2 years ago my wife (then girlfriend) and I went to a theme park for the day, on one of the rides I only just managed to get into the seat with a struggle.

That was it. I weighed myself a week or so later and when the dial almost clicked onto the 20 stone mark I knew I had to stop lying to myself and finally act.

How Weight Loss Resources (wlr) Helps
I mainly use the diary feature both on my pc and mobile, it has become part of my daily routine and was key to me losing my weight and now maintaining it.

"I felt wlr wasn’t about depriving myself of the things I enjoy but more a tool to help me make my own decisions."
Have you struggled at points in your weight loss journey? What has kept you motivated?
Before I joined my daily calorie intake was so immense that going to a more realistic intake was initially a shock to the system.

When I started to see the weight come off that was all the motivation I needed.

Lifestyle Changes
I am more confident, more motivated, and more energetic. I have married my beautiful wife and have a child on the way and recently enrolled onto a degree.

Alan at his wedding
Alan at his wedding
Exercise Changes
I am out and about walking and doing things that I wouldn’t have had the energy to do previously.

What do you love about your body now?
"The fact that I can wear clothes that I never could before, I can actually choose what I want to wear not be governed by what I can fit into!"

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