Maureen: Weight loss success story Maureen's story is a real inspiration. She has managed a weight loss of over 2 stone despite health problems.

in #weightloss3 years ago


I have an incurable blood cancer so it is easy to get depressed if I stop and think about it. The weight gain coincided with the onset of my illness.


I was put on steroids and this piled the weight on.

As I am disabled I can't do normal exercises so I follow lots of hobbies to keep my mind, if not my body, active.

This is a big disadvantage as I used to love walking, movement to music, "fun runs", swimming, etc.

Being a big boned person, excess weight makes me feel quite masculine.

I try to hide the weight with loose clothing and look about 10 years older as a result.

Watching my weight makes me feel that the way I look is important. I am a woman first, disabled second.

Motivation to Lose Weight
I was tired of feeling like a "blob".

"I want to be able to go into clothes shops and choose what I want rather than having to look in the larger section or shops designed for the larger woman."

All of the large woman clothes look the same ... ie. shapeless.

Discovering Weight Loss Resources
I discovered WLR whilst surfing the web.

How Weight Loss Resources Helps
The food diary has encouraged healthy eating.

My fruit and vegetables have increased and alcohol has decreased (seeing a Baileys in my diary is enough to give me a guilt complex for the next 24 hours!)

Since following Weight Loss Resources, the importance of exercise has become very apparent.

When I am confined to the wheelchair my weight remains stable or increases. If I walk my weight drops.

"I am determined not to sit in the wheelchair forever. When we go out anywhere I push it until I can walk no further, then sit in it."

If I feel able I walk upstairs rather than using my stair-lift. My weight always reflects the amount of exercise (or lack of it) that I have had.

The Best of Weight Loss Resources
The food diary!

Maureen's Tips for Losing Weight
Fill in the diary each time you eat. If you leave it until the end of the day you may be over the calorie limit and it is too late then.
Always measure alcohol consumed at home carefully, as it is easy to fool yourself.

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