Dawn's Weight Loss Success

in #weightloss3 years ago


About Dawn

THE ULTIMATE SECRET:- https://bit.ly/2ZiCfvA

I work in a busy day nursery. I run the baby unit and am responsible for looking after 15 babies aged from birth to 1 year 9 months.

I am always on the go so I would think that my job helped immensely with the weight loss.

I am happily married with a lovely 9 year old stepson and gorgeous 9 month old daughter.

We always eat as a family and whilst I was dieting, I would eat what the family ate.

However, my trusty scales were always present! I weighed everything religiously and never went over my calorie allowance!

Weight Loss History
I haven’t tried any before wlr.

I came across wlr whilst browsing the internet and I wanted to lose some baby weight so thought I’d give it a go. Thank god I did!

How Being Overweight has Affected you…
I never actually thought I’d put on that much weight after having my daughter. However when I look back at photographs now, the difference is quite clear!

Motivation to Lose Weight
I wanted to lose the weight I gained after having my daughter.

How Weight Loss Resources Helps
The site really helps me because it makes sense. I can understand the logic of calorie counting and wlr makes it so easy as it does all the work and calculations for you.

It wasn't always easy and I had days where I could have given up but today I feel an immense deal of pride in myself!

The Best of Weight Loss Resources
I always used the food diary religiously everyday and if possible I filled it out a week in advance so I always knew exactly what I could eat and when.

"The help team were invaluable and it was fab to know that were always there to offer support."
I also used the message boards frequently as it was good to talk to people who were trying to achieve the same goal as you and have there help and support.

Lifestyle Changes
I feel a lot happier about myself now, and it’s so nice not to go to bed feeling bloated and full up! The feeling of pride when you get to your goal makes it so worth while!

Foods that you eat now and didn’t before or do not eat anymore.
I no longer eat as many sweet things as I did before. I just used to eat for the sake of eating or because it looked nice.

"Now, I look at the calories first and know those sweet things like chocolate has too many calories for me to eat everyday."
I do have the odd day still where I really fancy something so will eat it but I generally then don’t enjoy it and all I think about is the calories I just consumed!

My portion sizes are a lot smaller than before I started the diet.

"wlr made me aware of the sizes of meals that I should eat and I was amazed at the quantity I was eating!"
Exercise Routine
For the first month I was with wlr I was at home on maternity leave so I joined a netball team and went for walks everyday.

I then went back to work and found I was too tired to exercise every evening; however I do think that I have an active job which has helped.

Any Major Changes?
My husband likes my new figure, although he is not too impressed with the fact that I need a whole new wardrobe as my clothes no longer fit me!!!!!!

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