5 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight
Your morning routine sets the path for your entire day.
So why not energize your start of the day? Simple tricks like staying hydrated, finding healthy foods, and getting your vitamin D intake can be beneficial for both your mind and body! When you’re trying to reach your fitness goals, a few simple morning weight-loss habits can get you there faster. While these habits support weight loss, they are powerful tips to support any healthy lifestyle!
Research suggests that maintaining a healthy routine is related to long-term weight loss and healthy habits in general. No matter what your weight loss goals are, losing weight can sometimes seem impossible. Losing a few pounds doesn’t have to require a complete overhaul of your diet and lifestyle, however, can help you lose weight.
5 Simple morning habits to incorporate into your program to help with your weight loss goals:
Get Some Exercise
While exercise is a well-known benefit of any effective weight-loss routine, a morning sweat is a great way to set the tone for the day. But if you can’t train in the morning, don’t worry! The most important aspect of morning weight loss is finding ways to stay consistent. If that means a morning workout isn’t an option, try using the morning to plan your workout. A little physical activity in the morning can help kickstart weight loss. Exercising in the morning can also help keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Low blood sugar can cause many negative symptoms, including excessive hunger.
High-protein Breakfast
Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, and when it comes to supporting weight loss goals, research suggests that may be true. What you eat for breakfast can affect your eating habits throughout the day, which is why our morning meal is one of the best morning habits for weight loss. Determine if you’re feeling full and satisfied by lunchtime or if you’re going to the vending machine before your mid-morning snack. Eating a high-protein
breakfast can keep you fuller longer and prevent unhealthy cravings or breakfast urges. What you eat for breakfast can dictate your entire day!
Drink Water
Starting the morning with a large glass of room-temperature water is one of the best morning habits for weight loss. Simply hydrating can help boost digestion, speed up metabolism, and support weight loss efforts. Water can help increase energy expenditure or the number of calories your body burns, for at least 1 hour. Starting the morning with water and staying well hydrated throughout the day is a great way to increase weight loss with minimal effort.
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness is a natural trait that we all have. It is always available to us if we take the time to appreciate it. When we practice mindfulness, we practice the art of creating space for ourselves to think, and breathe, and space between us and our reactions. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing fully on the present moment and becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings. The practice has been shown to improve weight loss and promote good eating habits.
Get Some Sun (Vitamin D)
Open the blinds to let in some sunlight, or spend a few extra minutes outside each morning to start losing weight. Did you know that a morning dose of sunshine can benefit your waistline?
Vitamin D, the sun hormone, has been shown to help maintain weight and reduce body fat. Studies suggest that vitamin D can decrease the formation of new fat cells in the body while reducing fat storage. Try sipping your morning cup of coffee outside, meditating or exercising in Nature, or taking a walk. As you can see, establishing a few simple morning routine habits can be as enjoyable as it is beneficial. The amount of sun exposure you need can vary depending on your skin type, time of year, and location. Sitting outside for 20 minutes every morning can have a positive impact on weight loss.
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