Your Soul Whispers...Oct30-Nov 1
On October 30, 31 and Nov 1, your soul whispers...
As we end this time period in which you may have be struggling with making meaning of personal and world situations, wrestling with inner demons or long-buried issues, secrets, and fears that have surfaced, you can choose to use this weekend time as days of respite, deeper contemplation and self-awareness. The energy of The Hermit will give you the opportunity to step back to see how your 9/Swords struggle was a wrestling of your own making. You can now lay to rest the fight and resistance against what is/what was with 4/Swords energy, and choose in your Hermitage to see things in a way that helps to clarify, helps you to grow and find some kind of equilibrium in your mind. Use this time of solitude to introspect and "let the dead bury the dead" with things you could not control. Make peace with yourself, your past, and with others (at least, in your mind). That willingness can help bring deeper self-understanding and wisdom.