Taking Time And Enjoying Things
Sometimes you just have to take a little time out of a busy day and enjoy the little things life has to offer. I often find myself doing this. I know if I don’t I’ll burn out and that is a very expensive issue to have to deal with. Once you hit that speed bump and no longer have any gas left in the tank to get over it. You will be paying one way or another. As such this means breaking up the day when you can and finding the time to enjoy things. I was very blessed today that a few things allowed me to do just that.
This morning I was already up 1 AM or whatever the time was. SpaceX planned to launch a satellite they are putting up into orbit for a company that deals with proving internet for planes and ships. If you thought your monthly bill was expensive for internet you don’t want to know how much it cost just to get up to 40mb/s in the middle of the ocean per month. So, in general, that is the just amazing thing to stop and go enjoy the view and be excited over.
Sure I could have just watch it online but that would be such a waste for the opportunity I have. As I went outside in the darkness a minute before the rocket was launched I took a small look around. Most of the street both ways was almost dead silent from light and sound. With the expectation of some slight glows of television or computer screens. There was also a car going the other way and I doubt they even noticed the fireball of a launch in the sky as they sure did not pull over to enjoy it.
Perhaps some of these people who were still awake busy glued to one screen or another watch the launch online. Maybe they did not. All I know for certain is they did not go outside and watch it. I was alone in the darkness for as far as I could see.
This took only 5 minutes out of my day. I’ve enjoyed doing this quite a lot over the years and it just never gets old. Knowing my camera would not have captured anything I did not even try. I just enjoyed watching the flame shoot across the sky and slowly go out. Then try and spot the falling returning section as it attempted to slow its descent before hitting touch down somewhere in the ocean on a barge.
It was a cloudless as far as I could tell. Nice cool time of the day at early in the morning. I did not even notice mosquitoes trying to attack me either. Nothing to block my view expects trees of which I just had to go on a little walk to keep my view of the show. It made for an even better morning as I walked back inside and continued with what I was doing.
This Afternoon
Today was a 90 degree kind of day. On top of that a ton of humidity so it might as well be a 100 out there as it sure felt like it. Many hate when it gets like this which I find just strange. Why live in a state that gets like this during the summer time unless you have no other choices at this time. So I took the time to enjoy that opportunity as well. While I have plans later in life to enjoy a different climate I might as well enjoy what is around me for the time being when I can.
Like everyone in life, I had things to do. It was a rather busy week for me with far too many things. Never enough time; yet, I still get things done more or less when I wanted to. I really wanted to go out and enjoy the weather and sometimes I took a 15-minute break to do just that. That is quicker than stopping to think every so often” I wish I outside enjoyed it.” While I had moments like that as well that most of the time was a reminder when I finished whatever I was doing to enjoy some fresh air.
It being Sunday I gave myself around half an hour today to really enjoy the day and even had lunch outside as well. I’m one of those people if I didn’t have a better option I would have so bought a small little blow-up pool from the store and filled it with water. I would have still enjoyed it with a light beverage and just took a few moments to unwind. Even if I did not have that option I would have gotten a lawn chair and put it where ever I could just to relax for a moment or two. You work with what you have when you can in life.
Once it cools down somewhat tonight I’m all ready to go for a campfire. I don’t have worry about burning bans. I still have excess wood from fallen trees during the last major storm we had that need to be burned. Some would have just tossed that wood out to the landfill or just left it to rot away and take away from the beauty of their area.
I have plans to make some S’mores. The fire will keep away the mosquitoes. I might only be out there for moments or it could be hours. I’m not going try and force myself to have fun or a time limit either. It will be what it will be.
Avoiding Burn Out
Not every day of life will be like this one. In fact many weeks I could spend not going outdoors unless I needed to. I won’t be up to watch a rocket launch so I don’t. It will be raining so I can’t even go out to work on getting a sunburn! Then I have a day like today where you damn right I do and will enjoy it for a couple of moments. It would be a waste not to.
I know many workaholics. They are always talking about that next big expensive vacation they are going go on. Chances are they will be on the phone or a laptop over most of that vacation so it will be a bit of waste. They will buy an expensive car because they work 120 hours a week so the car can sit in a parking spot and slowly rust away. They will have their very expensive nights of parting because they have to get it in on one go. Time is money for them and they sure blow a lot of it to enjoy just 1% of their life while they are grinding for the rest of it. Even if you are in a mission-critical role in life if you don’t enjoy the little things you are selling yourself on the illusion that what I mentioned above in this paragraphic will be enough either. There a reason why so many of that kind of people make a pile of money and have next to nothing at end of the day once all the rusting things get paid for.
Some of these people will retire at 30, others at 60, and some will still be working themselves to death at 90. Most will choose to keep working after they have to. As that is all their life was every about –work. They might claim they hate it but they are a workaholic. They won’t stop for a few moments in the morning to watch a rocket launch. They won’t take a moment in the afternoon a couple days a week to enjoy the outdoors. You sure won’t be seeing those fancy pants cooking their own S’mores on a fire they built either.
You don’t want to wake up one day and find out life is done with. That all remains are a broken soul and body of someone who never found their way in life. You can do everything right and it can still go oh so wrong. I welcome days like today. I hope you enjoyed something special over the weekend.
Photos were taken by @enjar using a Photosmart M627.

Awesome,actually for the first time in last 6 months,I just had the whole weekend free,rested and saw some amazing places
That is great! Sometimes you just have to make the time. No one else will make it for you.
Yea true, and it is quite easy to find time. Sometimes i think we make ourselves seem too busy than we actually are
Truth! I had push back from close family when I quit a full time job for a part time one, even after I had explained how much I had been physical and mentally neglecting my health. It helped me realize that there are mindsets that make relating so difficult at times but as a recovering people(parent)-pleaser, I knew I had to stand for what was my truth and hope that they can see my happiness after the fact.
A cat using an inflatable pool? With water? Interesting ;*
Sonner or later not treating oneself better always catches up on that person. While I really need to do better in that department on a few fronts I’ve least been trying. That is great you recognized and made some changes to find balance and I hope a happier you.
Some people are just so hardwired in their ways there no other options. They also seem rather miserable with the life choices they made and it appears they think that is just how everyone is.
Cats can love water despite what the humans think. Just got be careful not to pop the liner holding the air!
Very nice.
I haven't done much today, since I have been suffering from burnout for the past few weeks. I keep expecting to get out of this rut, but nothing seems to work. I have another camping trip in a couple of weeks, so hopefully that's what will do it. But, maybe, I should start taking early morning walks again. I haven't done that in over a decade.
You will only know if you start trying those walks again tomorrow morning. Sometimes you just need a small change. Other times its a very big one. Maybe the walks will be enough to get you to the camping trip. Camping sure has a way of reenergizing a person.