The Weed Police - Chapter Fifteen - Producing a scriptsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #weed7 years ago (edited)

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Producing a script

[VOICE NARRATOR]: Tarik was filled with joy and satisfaction after getting successfully fired from a job he hated, just for saying what he thought about his supervisor and the parasite head-hunters.
He dedicated his time on writing a script that would make people laugh. He re-evaluated the things the sheeple thought were normal, like the prohibition on cannabis, the absence of a free market and the frequent intervention of central banks.
With all the time in the world he wrote non-stop and he completed his movie-script within a couple of week. It was about the problems that we as humans face and about the solution that nature can offer us.

He would start the script as following:

There once was a boy who would love to experiment with all kinds of things. Always eager to find out how things worked. In his younger years he was fascinated by those at stock exchanges who were yelling all kinds of things, selling and buying. Interested in the wealth they knew how to acquire, he would read all kinds of books regarding the buying and selling of stocks and options.

After completing his IT-college school he decided to study Economics at a University to extend his understanding of the markets. A couple of years after 911 the University scanned its students on the presence of conspiracy theorists by setting an on-line thesis about the events of 911.
What the young man learned was far beyond his imagination. He discovered that there were some who profited from the horrific events. They went short on airplane-stocks prior to the attacks. And also there was some crucial budget-information missing about the Bush administration due to the controlled demolition of building seven.

He found out detailed information about the questionable events. It was unlikely that someone living in a cave along with his 19 buddy's could bring down those type of buildings. The way building seven came down and the strange attack on the Pentagon were highly questionable. He decided to share his findings on-line at the University.

The young man's findings drew a lot of attention and the University decided to change the subject. A couple of months later the boy got a notification that he could not finish his study. They said that he was not qualified or devoted to continue his study at the University. The young man did not accept this fought the decision which led to a hearing. The judge favored the University.

Disappointed by the decision from the University to expel him, he started to use cannabis to smoke away his sorrow and make sense of it all.
The first time he used cannabis he was filled with joy and happiness and everything became very clear. Even the fact that he was expelled and he realized that he did not need the University to increase his understanding of economics, politics or finance. Al he needed was just himself, some time and perhaps some cannabis.

After leaving the University he applied for a job at a Bank where he first was rejected. Not willing to accept the rejection he got on the phone with the supervisor and asked on what terms he got rejected.
The supervisor at that point could not articulate the reason beside the young man's foreign name. So she decided to hire the young man because of his determination. While working at the bank the young man saved some money to speculate on stocks-exchanges.

He invested in valuable companies which were underrated by the market. He was a real successful investor and within a couple of years he could support himself financially. After witnessing the fact what banks really did and the horrific impacts it had on the community, he decided to leave the bank.
Afterwards he learned that a bank did not produce anything but claimed a large portion of the wealth of the community.

The rapid developments in blockchain technology took away the little service the bank provided, leaving only the parasite form of a company standing.
He did not want to be part of the problem so to speak.

After years of producing nothing, the young man wanted to produce something. So he learned how to grow vegetables, fruits, trees and mushrooms. He educated himself on how to grow different kinds of substrates. He transformed his garden into a professional hydroponic system. He cultivated a wide range of tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, strawberries and of course cannabis.

He extended his garden with some chickens and a turkey which he only fed gmo-free foods. He completed his garden and he built a large inventory of burn wood. Soon after an insurance company invited him to serve their IT infrastructure. He stayed there for two years.
When fall came he had multiple cannabis plants in his garden, some male and some female. After a malicious tip the police came and raided the garden. They robbed the young man of his well taken care off plants while he was at work.

While entering his home he thought someone broke into his home. All his plants were gone and dirty footprints were left everywhere. Confused he made his way to the garden where he found everything broken and messed up. At that point he realized that the police's policy was the real enemy. He could not believe that they stole his cannabis plants, demolished his garden and dared to call it a legal act.

Soon after he lost his home and garden in a court order. He went on living with his parents for a period of time. He completed his script for the new movie because he felt compelled to tell his story about the insanity of the cannabis-prohibition.

He met someone who was slightly interested in a story containing comedy, politics, finance and drama. He showed it to his brother in law. He had an extended interest in movies, script and a background in making movies.
After reading the script he was overwhelmed and he went about to produce the movie for a larger audience. He believed that the script was so original and so compelling that it would stick to most viewers.

It might initiate a trending topic on-line and it would provoke an international debate about cannabis legalization and free markets. The movie was called “The Weed Police”. After a successful launch, the movie got all the attention it required to change the mindset of people around the globe and more.

Even acknowledged doctors and scientists became aware of the potential of cannabis. Among the scientists there was Steve. He would later be part of a special team that found the cure for a future violent viral zombie outbreak.
In his movie Tarik highlighted all his standpoints: the insanity of the prohibition of cannabis, the undemocratic elected officials at central banks, the use of fear to control a population, the ever rising rents and the ever falling purchasing power of a fiat-currency.

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