Amazing Cannabis Granola Bar Recipe
These were so darn good. This is how I made them.
50 grams chopped Pecans
50 grams chopped Peanuts
50 grams chopped Walnuts
20 grams seseme seeds
40 grams Dark Chocolate chips
40 grams White Chocolate chips
2 cups Oatmeal
1 1/2 cups Maple Syrup
1/2 cup Honey
1/4 cup All Purpose Flower
pinch of Baking Soda
pinch of cinnamon
vanilla extract
Stir all the ingredients above in a large bowl
Spread the mixture evenly on a baking dish (or cookie paper)
Put a dab worth of BHO on top about 2 inches apart (or however large your pieces will be)
Place in a preheated oven (350F / 175C)
Cook for about 20 minutes until it's golden brown on top
Cut up or make balls out of the soft mushy goodness and put in the refrigerator