in #weed7 years ago

Everyone at some point in their life is faced with an expensive and uncomfortable illness and/or pain. Mine happen to be a mold allergy I discovered at the healthy age of around 28, I went from being able to run 5 miles a day to barely able to walk around the block because of exposure to several molds in my watered down old south beach townhouse I was overpaying to live in during the time. I learned the hard way that living in a tropical climate was not always as healthy as it is sometimes promoted.
After spending numerous hours and countless days being tested by the best doctors and hospitals in Miami, (thank God at the time I had full medical coverage), even though it was still not enough to compensate for discomfort, inconvenience and time spent in hospitals or outrageous co-pays.
The inevitable diagnosis and treatment was to place me on steroid based inhalers and continuing to see doctors on a regular basis. This treatment made me so dependent on doctors and medication that if I forgot it at home or ran out before a doctor's visit, it was possible for me to have an asthma attack on the spot and die without it around, making me extremely anxious and worried anytime I forgot it at home. Going from healthy to dependent on doctors and medication to do basic tasks like walking and being able to breathe was an unacceptable way of life.
There began my journey into what I had always believed to be the "tree hugging" herbal medicine industry. To listen to a bunch of gurus, holistic and naturopathic doctors was not an option, I being a science hobbyist, excellent researcher and pre-med in college brought me to medical and science journals to solve my medical issue and this is where I discovered the "ANCIENT" herb of Oil of Oregano.
My underlying thought was mold is natural it is everywhere, there has to be something natural to counteract it so I can live normal again. I began reading any publication on mold toxicity how and why it is toxic, it releases toxic gases that are inhaled into the lungs and basically suffocates you from the inside out. Thankfully, I had an allergic reaction, had I not had this reaction, it often can cause death in healthy individuals that are exposed without ever knowing the amount of exposure and is deadly toxic to the young and elderly that are not allergic. This research led me to discover that mold cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. At that point, I started oxygen therapies that were expensive, time consuming and worked temporarily like the inhalers and doctor visits. I believed there still had to be a better alternative and kept researching and studying herbal remedies that released oxygen into the body that is when I stumbled upon the benefits of "Oregano". I thought great I love eating pasta and will just add lots of oregano to my meals, lol, oh how nieve I was ;) It did make me feel better but did not resolve my mold related asthma, I knew I needed something stronger and research how to intake oregano in larger doses, this is where I found "Oil of Oregano" and could not stop studying about it, I wanted to know everything.
After weeks of researching I set out to find where it was sold and to test it out. After purchasing a small bottle at the local herbal and vitamin store in south beach, I ventured home to plan how to best begin this remedy without putting myself at risk of an asthma attack. I continued to take my inhaler and began the oil of oregano at the same time not finding any counter indications in any studies or publications. I gave myself two weeks on the oil of oregano and began to reduce my inhaler. By the second week I felt normal, breathed normal and did not need my inhaler, although I continued to carry it everywhere in case of an attack. After several months, I continued only on Oil of Oregano. Then I wanted to stop taking it, and found very quickly that was not an option because my body was still intoxicated. To this day I take Oil of Oregano about once a month just to keep any possible mold toxicity from recurring and it has continued to work and allowed me to run half marathons for charity. As this is my first blog about the "Golden Ancient Herb" that saved my life, I will write other blogs about how it helped my friends, family members with other illnesses and post some of the research articles that led me to find this liquid health gold.


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