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RE: Can you spot the Florida wonders? Come take a walk with me on my Wednesday Walk

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago

OH my! I never end up with them in my house, the one time I did my very fat cat had actually found it interesting and tried to eat it. Thankfully once I realized what she was doing (and spoiled the only fun she has apparently ever had), I saved it and put it back outside, although it did not want to leave my hand. I know that Sandhill Cranes do not always have eggs, so perhaps it is a year between hatchlings or something, I am not always sure. Gosh, are their offspring ever cute though. I will admit these beautiful Cranes, whom I had stopped in my car to admire, seemed to have sensed my calmess and chose to walk across the street in from of my car. Of course at just a few seconds later a lady came barrelling down the street in her suv, and I put my hand up to signal and she barely stopped, it made the male bird jump up and fly across the rest of the way. Then when she did stop the female started to cross but the woman and no intention of waiting and started to move, so the female flew up and over. I was very mad though as she could've harmed these beautiful birds out of her own rushing and negligence. Thankfully though they went on about their business on the other side of the street and munched on some greenery.


Oh yikes! Somebody arrest that woman for negligence or stupidity! Can they arrest you for that? Because she seems like she would win the prize. How could anybody be in that much of a rush? I'm not sure there's anything that important that she had to nearly run down those beautiful birds.

The lizards used to come in through my screen porch door, I am pretty sure. The kids are young and would take their time going through to the outside. I exaggerated when I say all the time there were enough lizards the house that would scare the heck out of me. My cat would try to jump up on the wall. Silly kitty tricks are for kids.

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