Wednesday Walk: Life and Death

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago

This is in response to a Challenge by @tattoodjay to take photographs of things on a walk. Things you don’t normally see. I really like the challenge and the challenger so here I am again.

Sam and I took a less than optimal walk Tuesday morning because I am a little gimpy. I believe I have a 'stone bruise' between my first and second toe on my left foot. It hurt like crazy on Monday when I was pretty sure it was either Ebola or Gout. It was just kind of ordinarily painful on Tuesday so we decided to walk.

Sam Digs.JPG

I carefully warned Sam when we started that he'd better dig and run early and often because I might make it a short walk depending on my foot. He's such a good doggy, he got right with it.

Kangaroo Rat.JPG

Sam was digging after a squirrel when a flash of motion caught my eye. This little Kangaroo Rat hopped from the trail to the bank. I got really excited because we rarely see them, they are very nocturnal. I ripped out my phone and took a picture. Then I realized why I saw him at all.

Prey and Predator.JPG

The rat died right in front of me, and the sidewinder was waiting patiently for him to do so. I could see by the tracks that the snake had taken his shot just below where he is now, and the rat made it that far. That is a smallish rat and a full sized snake, maybe two feet long.


That sidewinder is in what I would call the 'ready' position. From that posture he can strike, coil or move as his next option. I was there for probably 3 minutes and he just barely moved. His tail was up but not vibrating and it was just obvious that he wasn't going to leave that meal willingly.

That is a fully mature Sidewinder, you can see the nice white string of buttons on his tail. I watched for a couple of minutes and decided that the best option for me was to turn around and collect Sam to keep him from blundering into this tableau.

Prey and Predator 3.JPG

I'll leave you with one last look at the rat and the snake in natural light. The sun had been up about 20 minutes but in the shade of the bank they were both difficult to see.

This is the end of this #Wednesday Walk. It was definitely more memorable than most of our walks...

All Words and Photographs in this post are mine, for better or worse.

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When I saw your title in my Gina Notifications i had to open this one first

Firstly I hope your foot heals quickly I know how frustrating foot pain can be

Secondly, what got me with the rat was the length of its tail

And lastly not sure i would want to be even that close to a sidewinder

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

It's crazy. I had one day of discomfort, one day of "my whole foot might fall off pain" and a day of moderate pain and today I have to push it a little to make it hurt.

That tail is incredible, and even better for me, it leaves a clear picture in the sand. I can tell in the daylight where a Kangaroo Rat went during the night.

I've been a lot closer a couple of times but I really worry about Sam when I'm 'engaged' with one. We know a guy from our walks that actually catches them, photographs them, and turns them loose. Believe it or not you can buy Snake Tongs at Amazon! Amazing.

It’s funny well and annoying how pain can come so quickly but good when it goes quickly away
I hadn’t thought about the tail and the trail it must leave

Well I myself would enjoy from a distance with a long zoom lense no need for snake tongs fir me lol

Wow, that is some national geographic caliber stuff right there! Good thing you caught sight of the snake when you did. I think I would have been freaking out. I am glad you both made it out of there okay. It was probably best to call it a short walk and rest your foot up some more!

Man, that snake was hard to see. If the rat hadn't moved I'd have gotten really close.

The tracks right there this morning were incredible. That Snake got the whole rat swallowed then had trouble moving out. Sidewinders make a really distinctive track but this one was dragging the middle... I'm sure the snake didn't go far, but I didn't go looking for him....

Wowwww what a cool encounter!! I was impressed by the rat, we dont have that kind here... and then the sidewinder! A memorable walk indeed!

Hey. Thanks. I thought of you Monday. We had to go to the dog food store and as I walked around a pickup in the parking lot I spied two nice little goats in a dog crate. I stood and talked to them for a minute :)

Good to see you!

Aww! I wonder if they were waiting on their new owners. Many times I end up parked somewhere waiting on a customer to come pick up their babies, and people get curious and want to check out the cute goaties. ;)

Oh my goodness! That could have been so dangerous for both you and Sam!!!! Poor little kangaroo rat :( He never stood a chance! That sidewinder blended in perfectly with the soil, yikes @bigtom13!

Actually, they do stand a chance. A guy I know posted this video just today:

It's really incredible footage... Those little buggars can JUMP.

Wow. Just ... wow!!

Oh scared of rats and most of all snakes.. i dont know what am i gonna do if i were in your shoes that time ..good thing you were home safe..

hi @bigtom13 ..i recommend your post to the #up-gage challenge initiated by my dear @zephalexia..

Posted using Partiko Android

I have HUGE respect for the snakes around here. The rats are really quite small and really pretty. I don't get to see them very often so I was pretty excited.

Thank you for the recomendation!

thanks for this recommendation sis

Definitely would keep distance from that snake, what exciting wildlife action to see on a short walk, always timing!

Kangaroo rat extraordinary little rodent, quite pretty in colouring with such a long tail.

Sidewinder reminds me of our puff-adder although I image the sidewinder would be a lot more agile.

Keeping Sam away would be safest approach, dogs are too inquisitive. Enjoyed your walk in nature thanks for sharing.

We seem to run into a couple of sidewinders a year. They are smallish and don't have super powerful venom so I'm sure I could take a bite and live. But as a friend says "Sidewinders won't kill you but they'll make sure you wish you were doing something else if they get hold of you."

The Kangaroo rat is extraordinary. They have huge rear legs and can hop over a foot at a time, but they drag that tail and leave a stripe in the sand.

Sam and I have had the "Come to Jesus" talk about Snakes a couple of times. He listens pretty well, but he's curious as a cat and that worries me.

Some dogs just take it in their stride, we had a Staffordshire Bull terrier who killed everything that moved, including snakes. All the other dogs I have had never worried about the wildlife going through the garden.

Kangaroo rat has a very different appearance, obviously very small.

LOL, so glad you don't have Ebola.

Me toooooo! Thanks for stopping by!

I was pretty sure it was either Ebola or Gout.

Because those two diseases have very similar symptoms, right? Natural mistake. (< /sarcasm >)

Moving on ...

I know, huh?

oh no! poor kangaroo rat 😢 ( i just knew about that from you , i just know usual rats, thanks) good you have your dog with you as you walk. and hope your toes are feeling ok now

Your post has been recommended by @dizzyapple for my up-gage challenge

It's the way of the desert, and I don't get to see that part very often. Almost all the creatures there are nocturnal, so all I normally see is the tracks.

Yeah. That goofy dog takes me for a walk every single day. He's good that way.

I never saw as many snakes as you do on my walks when I lived in Tucson. Must be the time of day we chose. You're out in the early morning. I'd go out in the late afternoon. (All evidence to the contrary, I am not a morning person.)

I've seen a lot more since I moved to NM. Out in the desert on my horse, I'd just let them move on and leave them alone. (But I was always watching!)

On my property though, it does not end well for them. I don't look forward to any of it. Ever.

When I had horses I'd mostly let them take the lead in snake country. The only time I bother them is in the yard. I've never had one here, but my aunt would get one about every other year. She'd call me to dispatch it and wanted to see the carcass :) She was about 3/4 mile from here and had more diamondbacks than sidewinders.

I only see 3 or 4 snakes per year. I have no idea how many Sam sees...

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