Exorde: Using objective logic, you can distinguish lies from truth

in #web32 years ago


The phenomenon of "post-truth" has recently become the subject of scientific research in political science and other social sciences. In general, it describes the process of psychological impact on the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person, during which a person’s opinion about one or another significant event that has already taken place can change significantly.

The topic of lies has always been a subject of controversy in enlightened circles. Thus, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argued that in terms of power and human prosperity, the ability to skillfully deceive is an advantage. However, another German philosopher-educator, Immanuel Kant, believed that lies are always immoral.

Using objective logic, you can distinguish lies from truth. However, the brain is designed in such a way that it often makes mistakes. As psychologist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman explains, the main organ of our body tries to spend as little effort as possible on reflection. As a result, we make most decisions quickly without really thinking about it. This economy of effort is entirely justified: if we thought about all our actions, there would not be enough time or cognitive resources for really important things. The only problem is that the brain can apply the strategy of quick decisions and where you need to seriously think.

And today we have access to endless arrays of data - it would seem that there is everything, only Google. The only problem is that all the information on the Internet adapts to us. Facebook is shaped by the fact that we like, and personalized results in Google do not allow us to go beyond the “filter bubble”. And now it seems to us that everyone around is voting for our candidate, everyone is listening to the same music as you. The “filter bubble” so lulls critical thinking that when a post appears in the feed that contradicts our beliefs, we immediately find logical flaws in it, and if we don’t find it, we simply ignore this information. In the era of post-truth, facts have lost their force: keyboards in discussions break not for objectivity, but for personal beliefs, personal faith.

Why is this happening:

There is more information, but it is checked less and less. In addition, the line between the mass and the personal is blurred: an article by a professor at Moscow State University and a post by a friend on Facebook can have the same value and be taken for granted unconditionally.

The public sphere is divided into many "belief circles", and people strive to get into "their own circle", not noticing that they are increasingly moving away from other groups.

A person's beliefs resonate with the beliefs of his like-minded people, which is why he strengthens in them and protects even more. Personalized search and delivery of news in social networks do not allow you to go beyond the "circle".

A person strives to prove loyalty to “his own” and is likened to a sports fan who supports the club emotionally and is even able to sacrifice his own interests for this.

And it turns out that information ceases to be valuable in itself - much more important is the attention that is directed to it. And this is not correct. In the era of post-truth, any data needs to be verified.

Viral information cannot be ignored, and the best way to counter it is to find the truth / original source / evaluate information for virality. The task of evaluating viral information is solved by classifiers trained using machine or deep learning algorithms. In the general case, they receive as input the text of the article with all metadata (title, author, heading, links to sources, publication date) and display an assessment of how this article is similar to fake or real news.

To increase the accuracy of the checked content, the Exorde system was created. Exorde is built around a core platform that provides unbiased credibility scores for information (and virality-related analytics) based on the community, AI modules, and a token-based economy.

This platform is decentralized, open and transparent. This is where participants will work together to index the entire network, extract its unstructured information, relationships, similarities, trends, and any type of pattern in information circulating throughout the internet, regardless of platform or media.

Exorde as a knowledge network can use the unstructured content of the Internet and perform a first-of-its-kind analysis of the virality of information circulating throughout the network.

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