The 2023 Revolution : WEB3 and Metaverse
In 2026, one in 4 people will spend at least 1 hour a day in the Metaverse. Web3, this profound technological innovation based on the concept of blockchain, is still under construction.
Opposing the privatization of the Web, the Metaverse redistributes the cards of the monopoly of the net, held by the GAFA(M). By empowering users, it offers them the opportunity to reclaim the Internet. For brands, Web3 and Métaverse present a tremendous opportunity.
Definition of the concepts of Web3 and the Metaverse
The term Metaverse was coined by Neal Stephenson in 1992. In his science fiction novel The Virtual Samurai, he describes a futuristic world, based on virtual reality (VR). Today, the Metaverse is defined as a 3D environment, 100% immersive. Users interact with each other, often through avatars.
In dedicated virtual spaces, they can play, socialize, meet new people or even work. Since the rebranding of Facebook into Meta on October 28, the Metaverse has aroused renewed interest.
The concept of Web3 is more recent. Succeeding Web 1.0 and then Web 2.0, it refers to a decentralized version of the Internet. A new generation bringing together the entire metaverse (or metaverses) associated with novelties such as NFTs, blockchain, wallets, cryptocurrency. Web3 (or Web 3.0) also responds to the pressing demands of users for greater control of their personal data. It sheds new light on questions of individual freedom and privacy.
The notions of Web3 and Metaverse are complementary. Coupled with artificial intelligence and Big Data, these two technologies are the pillars of tomorrow's Internet. You access online services independently, travel without moving from your couch or immerse yourself in a movie. In perspective: extraordinary virtual experiences in an exciting world, located on the border between the real and the virtual.
How companies perceive the Metaverse and Web3?
A recent study by Sortlist looked at the perception of French companies on these revolutionary technologies. Out of 200 companies surveyed:
26% expect to generate a return on investment (ROI) in the Metaverse;
68% anticipate a rise in the Metaverse within 5 years;
55% consider the Metaverse an interesting but risky investment;
22% see the Metaverse as the future of business.
In almost half of the cases, the Brand Innovation department is responsible for managing initiatives related to the Metaverse. Their investments focus primarily on cryptocurrencies, NFTs.
Metaverse, Web3: what are the challenges for e-commerce?
The Metaverse represents a new way to generate profit, especially in the e-commerce sector. It is a lever of choice to collect data, then create a loyal consumer base. Some brands use it to develop new products. The target audience for this technology is mostly men (64%), Gen Z (56%) or millennials (52%).
Among the main challenges of Web3 for retailers, we find:
3D commerce;
Artificial intelligence (AI);
Immersive shopping;
Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR);
Vertical search;
Payments in cryptocurrencies;
The production of NFTs;
Semantic content marketing.
Le renforcement de l’engagement par la gamification
Le Web3 marque un changement à plusieurs niveaux. Cet univers parallèle responsabilise l’utilisateur. Il booste son engagement, en le rendant partie intégrante de la structure du net. Il transforme le parcours d’achat en intégrant les codes du gaming, pour des expériences client toujours plus personnalisées. Dans le Métaverse «The Sandbox », Leader Price et Carrefour proposent déjà des activations gamifiées, cohérentes avec leur positionnement. Dans le cas de Leader Price, le joueur doit réaliser 13 quêtes afin d’obtenir des codes promotionnels. Carrefour a misé sur une expérience de « play-to-learn » sur le thème de l’abeille, pour communiquer sur ses façons de produire.
Une relation client réinventée
Extension de l’e-commerce, le Métaverse permet aux marques de repenser la relation client. Dans cette optique, elles peuvent exploiter le potentiel des NFTs. Ces jetons non fongibles numériques (non-fungible tokens en anglais) ont le pouvoir de réunir des ultra-fans. Pour renforcer la fidélisation, les marques pourraient décider d’attribuer aux propriétaires de leurs NFTs certains privilèges. Les tokens promettent aux entreprises des revenus supplémentaires. Ils les aident à se distinguer de la concurrence.
Towards an enhanced customer experience
The verdict is in: 71% of consumers are willing to buy more from brands offering AR, augmented reality experiences. Creation of avatars, unique experiences, tailor-made ads... This trend demonstrates the interest of the French for innovations related to customer experience (CX). The Metaverse allows you to go even further in the personalization of marketing campaigns.
Do you want to join the Metaverse? First, you need to understand the concept of Web3, know what uses you can make of it, when is the best time to get started. CCM Benchmark Institut offers Web3 & Metaverse training.