Webs3 and Blockchain's Future
Web3 is no longer just a notion for defining the next generation of the Internet; additional aspects of it are becoming available every day. A robust Web3 engine will be an essential driving force for a well-functioning Web3 world, and it will be where Web3's future rests.
To get to where it is now, the Internet has had to go a long way. The focus of the Internet has evolved from reading to participating and contributing, from the read-only Web 1.0 in the 1990s to the later, more improved participatory social Web 2.0, where interaction flourishes in a social media boom.
Web 3.0, or Web3 for short, is already approaching and becoming more widespread eight years after the phrase was originally created, which may go unnoticed by some Internet users.
Web3 varies from Web2 in that it allows peer-to-peer contact without the use of centralized authority or middlemen, and users gain ownership of the material rather than just utilizing it.
Web3, which is based on a foundation of essential features such as decentralization, blockchain, DAO, tokens, interoperability, P2P, and ownership, is expected to spawn a new digital economy with its own business models and marketplaces, and will require the backing of a robust Web3 engine to work smoothly.
What is expected from Web3 and then a Web3 engine? A rising number of users are attracted to the blockchain-based Web3 because it is decentralized and permission-less, allowing them unrestricted access to data.
To put it another way, Web3 users want to perform information exchanges or financial transactions with total ownership and control over their assets, without the need of centralized platforms or coordinators, but yet maintaining high security and efficiency. A professional system that provides full infrastructures for complicated blockchain application development, cross-chain and mass dissemination, and more is vitally important to meet this expectation and go beyond.
This is what we can anticipate from a Web3 engine, a system that generates enough power to move the whole Web3 world, as well as a trustworthy supply of blockchain infrastructures and toolsets to assist the construction of Web3 apps at a lower cost and with more efficiency.
Once we see the necessity for such a Web3 engine, our definition and plans for it, as well as a well-functioning Web3, will progressively be enhanced and concretized.
Source: medium.com