DevOps Methodology
There are a lot of big companies that follow the DevOps principles. Some of them are Amazon, Netflix, etc. So in this blog, we are going to learn about DevOps and its methodology.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is the method or practice of connecting both developers and operation teams together which helps to build the entire application development life cycle i.e. development, testing, deployment, and monitoring. DevOps is not a technology but it's the way of software development in which you can develop applications faster and more reliable.
DevOps Stages
DevOps processes include various stages such as continuous development, continuous testing, continuous deployment, continuous monitoring, and continuous integration.
1.Continuous Development
Tool used in this stage: Git
2.Continuous Integration
Tool used in this stage: Jenkins
3.Continuous Testing
Tool used in this stage: Selenium
4.Continuous Deployment
Tools used in this stage: Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes
Benefits of DevOps Methodology
. Automation in the development process
. Optimize company resources
. Improves user experience
. Faster deployment and resolution of problems
. Good environment for Innovation