Flooding in Alberta

in #weather6 years ago (edited)

Today I was going to post a very different post.  I started my day off doing wood and planting the last of the garden.  I am doing all of my plants (except for root vegetables) in the house.  This went according to plan.  It was a good day.  This evening has been quite an adventure.  

Here is a picture of the dugout at 11:30 this morning. As you can see it was filling nicely.  We had some room to spare for more water to come in.  The post in the water is to check the water level.  

Now the time is 6:20 pm and the culvert that is under the driveway is beginning to fill.  The water is coming from all the bush that is north of us.  This includes our own snow melt but most of it is coming from other places.

Here you can see that the water is coming from the bush that is in north west.  Every year we have water come from this direction.  Usually it is not a problem.  In the 11 years that we have been on this land we have never seen water in this amount.  

This is the dugout this evening.  We are working to keep the water away from the house.  You can see Rob working to rebuild the trench that will have the water flow toward the neighbours dugout and toward the county road.  He has taken a walk and tells me that the water is already flowing over the county road from our land. 

This is the bridge we built to walk across the water flow.  Usually we have no problem the water is quite a bit under the bridge.  I was using this bridge this morning to get supplies from the greenhouse.  The greenhouse is also flooded.  

 had to park the van part way down the driveway so that if we need to get out we can.  This is a good thing because the water is rising very fast.  

Here is Rob contemplating what to do.  This picture was taken at 6:45.  We have never seen this quantity of water.  The scary part is that we are just at the beginning of the melt.   This is some crazy Alberta weather.   I will keep you posted as to how it goes.  I have spent 40 minutes in the house and I think the bridge is buried.  


It is similar to where I live. I think @earthmother can relate as she was telling me that she has a moat lol. I have 2 garages, the first one has started to accumulate some water and it freezes over night. The 2nd one has the greenhouse attached and the floor of the garage has flooded and in solid ice, while the greenhouse has a big puddle at the entrance. No fun... Need to get that sun in those garages somehow!
I wouldn't have a clue on what to do for your flooding. I hope it is not as bad now and hasn't reached the house!

Yes we are hearing stories from many places that there is flooding. I was hoping we would not have to worry this year. I will have to see if @earthmother has done a post about it.

Getting sun into the garage might be challenging depending which direction it is facing. You could put a heat lamp or one of those space heater. That might melt the ice.

We may have to do that.... I do not want to pay for the hydro it takes to help it melt but we may have no choice...

I hear you. I believe in giving them as little money as possible.

O wow!! its amazing how fast it can turn! That's ALOT of water! We are a few days behind you I think. I had water within inches of coming in the house, I had to make the trenches a little deeper, but it is running downhill now. When the snow really start melting, I will see how it goes.

Did you get the water diverted? hopefully you will have some sun and wind to help clear it up.

When Rob is leaning on the shovel...makes me smile. That is the perfect picture. :) It just is what it is.
Huge love to you both! Hopefully you can blog what you intended to blog soon! :)

Yes we did get all the water diverted. It has slowed down now. I was planning on doing an up date today and doing part of the original blog about my indoor garden. We had a flash melt. It is amazing how fast the snow can melt.

I am glad you didn't have water in your house. That would have been horrible. ah off grid living what fun. It really keeps us on our toes.

That is a good pic of Rob leaning over the shovel. Hugs to you as well.

I hope that you guys can manage the water. The bad news is that there is a lot of snow to melt. The good news is that is is finally melting.

You are so right. Yes it is great it is finally melting. I sure hope we are not swimming in the house tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.

The two of you are in my thoughts and being held close to my heart tonight.

Thank you so much. It froze over night so we were able to rest. We will see what today holds.

Thanks for this nice update on your weather condition.

It's nice to know that you have the highest amount of water flow in 11 years and hopefully the water should be sufficient for your and other families.

The pictures are really awesome and tells a lot about the condition there.
How amazing the earth mother which keeps up with different environmental conditions and keeps providing good things to mankind.

Thanks for sharing and I have to say Rob looks good with shovel in his hand.

Have a wonderful day :)

It is great that mother earth provides for us in all situations. The water is still flowing. This was a huge melt. I knew we had lots of snow but I am surprised that the water is still flowing.

I agree that is a good picture of Rob. I will have to keep that one.

How is the weather conditions over there?

Weather here continues to be hot with occasional rain but that is not enough to bring down the temperature and I think we are in for one of the hottest summers as we still have about 1 and half month to actual rainy season to start.

Nice to know that you too like the pic of Rob :)

It sounds like there was more rain in the rainy season in the past. I sure hope you get more rain for the rainy season.

One on the hottest summers

I sure hope you can stay cool. We often work in the mornings and rest in the afternoons and then get back outside in the evening. We have had to go to this type of work schedule because our summers are getting hotter for us as well. Our evening work isn't as productive though.

Keep cool my friend.

We are just anticipating a good rainy season this year.

We follow the same strategy of working in early morning to afternoon in many places here to beat the heat.

Thanks for updating on the situation and work culture there during summer.

When I was in UK, we use to follow the same like working early in the day and get off to some walk or some games in the evening.

Eventhough UK is one of the coldest places, summers there gets worse for people like me who are from countries with higher temperature as UK gets more hotter and exposing ourselves to that hot sun is dangerous.

Having said that, when it was winter, we use to shake with that cold and even a heavy over coat wasn't enough to keep ourselves warm.

Thanks for this, I really enjoyed discussing on this weather condition with you and other friends from Canada and other cold locations.

I sure hope you get the rainy season you need.

Up here in the north we have not had to change our usual day until the last few years. Not all people here have changed their work day but we are outside so much in the summer we need the break from the sun. We are not used to such hot temperatures. Now by hot temperatures I mean 30 to 35. You might think that is funny but here that is really hot.

I understand when you say that a heavy coat would not have been enough. It is hard to come to such a cold climate when you are used to the warmth. We had some friends come up from Mexico and it was May. We were running around in a light sweater and jeans. They were dressed in hats and heavy coats. When you get that cold it is hard to warm up.

It is really good to chat about such things. I know you live in a hot climate but not much more than that. It is good to know about your climate and other places. I think having these discussions helps bring us closer as a people.

You said it and it's poured yesterday, yes, it rained heavily here yesterday.

30-35 temperature here is normal one and when it goes above 45, we start feeling the heat and it becomes unbearable. I have experienced that temperature of 30-35 will be too hot in western countries.

I understand when you say that a heavy coat would not have been enough. It is hard to come to such a cold climate when you are used to the warmth
Definitely, when 30-35 temperature is normal one for us, even a 10 degree temperature will make us feel like shivering and when it goes below 0 degree, that will have a huge impact on us.

Yeah, it's nice to know about weather conditions at different locations and try to understand the living of people there.

I had some nice break and today I am replying to all the messages I got, so it will be a bit busy day for me, but I hope to learn something new in this process. :)

I figured that our hottest temperatures might be close to normal for you. I guess it is all relavitve.

I am glad you had a nice break. Enjoy

This is crazy. We contemplated getting a small boat last year when the bridge to out main road flooded. Good idea to park your car away from the rising water...

This is crazy. The weather is changing and I think it is all over the globe. Yes It was good we parked the car down the driveway. In the end it was all ok. But we had about 48 hours of not sure what was going to happen.

A boat might not be a bad idea in your situation.

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