I know, let's weaponize it!!!

in #weapons8 years ago

Greetings friends! I thought i would take a look at humans and their bizarre tendency towards violence, more specifically weaponization, and mass government spending on killing machines. Won't you join me? I promise i won't hurt you...

Yup, indeed there is plenty of violence in the world. It is awful. People are hurting and killing one another for seemingly no better reason than: "That bastard ain't the same color." Or "That bastard has a different set of beliefs." Why is it that we humans can't behave ourselves? Why is there SO MUCH VIOLENCE!@#$%^&*...*Deep breath*...Oh and what is this bizarre fascination with weapons?

I was designing this robot (who sorta looks like a doggy), when the inevitable thought hit me...If this robot existed, someone would make a weapon out of it. It is only a matter of time before everything will be a weapon! Artichoke? Weapon! Ceiling fan? Weapon!! Coffee machine?! WEAPON! It is troubling that we as humans have such a wide variety of weapons :(

SO why is that exactly? Why must we always have newer and better weapons? What is this obsession? Does point and insta-kill not cut the mustard anymore? Is last year's new weapons already obsolete? Just how much mass killing is required in order for a weapon to be a success? I kinda thought the nuclear bomb was enough, now we need something even more destructive? One of the things that most perplexes me is, why do governments spend SO much on weapons (i'm looking at you America) while there are more pressing matters right here on their own soil that is killing their people. Famine, disease, cops, religious fanatics, all real threats right here. But no, we need more weapons. Bigger, and better weapons!!! You would think that the state of the art Blastojiggy they invented last year would still be functional this year, why make a new iteration every year and waste billions???????????

If you can give me a good answer for this, i will be astonished. But i do not think that any answer is a "good one." Not when it comes to defending a murderous culture that makes new weapons like they were Santa's elves. People of earth do not need new weapons. We have plenty. How about we agriculturalise the earth. How about we invest that cash in making the world better, instead of making things to destroy it.

You can tell me that it is necessary, that we need to weaponize everything to save ourselves from, whatever. But the fact is, more people die due to hunger and disease every day than war, and those things are right here in our faces. Um, stop going overseas and getting involved in the affairs of other nations, and worry about your own people right here? Am i crazy in thinking that would be better? Holy @#$%^& and if war ever does come here, just use last years Blastojiggies, stop wasting billions upon billions of dollars every year on new ones...

The new weapon people are F@#$%^&king A@#$%holes, that is the best answer i can come up with. Oh and don't you DARE make a weapon out of Dogbert...the world is simply not ready...


There are three broad classes of animals on the planet.
Herbivores, Omnivores and predators.
Humans MIGHT just be the most peaceful of the whole group. Certainly we are more peaceful than any predator..

The thing is that we are Really, really REALLY good at killing. Much more so than anything else that ever existed. That's why we can be so peaceful.
More Guns, less crime.
An armed society is a very peaceful society, and polite too.

Why we can be so peaceful? I don't find us very peaceful...

have you ever raised hogs?
or any kind of critter ?
By comparison to them we ARE peaceful. Take the US for example. Except for places that the democrats control it's very peaceful. No crime at all to speak of. 80% of all violence is perpetrated by democrats.

Interesting. But still why all the newer and better weapons? Isn't enough enough?

if they were sane...yes.
but..they're not sane.
The bigger the group the lower the collective IQ..
and the less sane they are.

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