
@rok-sivante, Absolutely true subject and wealth is just not money and wealth can be defined as Position and that means no matter what situation we face, how we are tackling and in which position we are standing that is really vital aspect.

Yes, many people had so much money but, in my opinion in most of the cases people just developed money and nothing else, and when that money evaporated then they really fell hard in life.

So, we have to understand one thing and that is, no matter what at the end of the what you hold in Inner Self that is vital and most important subject and that means, if we don't have inner strength then no matter what we have or not we will going to face the Stagnancy.

And great to know that you've related yourself with this subject and that is really important aspect because, if one individual summaries different person's position may be it cannot throw that much of light in it, but in this case you had an relation with this post.

And from those points, there are two most important points and those are, Passion and Purpose. Both of these aspects plays the role of Engine in life. Passion always born that fire in you to walk on the path which is your true path and purpose always remind you regarding what this path will bring in your life.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Hi rok. You have been tormenting your self by not selling in January. You cannot think like that as you had and now you have but not as much. You have seen wealth and let it go. This is something you have learnt and loads of other people as well. The markets are cruel with highs and lows coming so close to each other.
I have always said I would rather not have than to have had and lost. I know how hard it is to get there and will not be greedy and risk everything. The ones that have had opportunities and haven't had to work very hard for their wealth won't know how to get it back. You are different as you know and have tasted it and know what to do in the future. It was a lesson well learnt as it has made you look at your self and ask the questions that matter. The market will come back and so will your wealth.

Reading the post to my understanding, the author isn’t ranting about the low price , it has come and we’ve taken it but the true value of the post is educating and enlightening about the true definition of wealth . What you’re talking about are the riches not wealth .

Of course, there's the perspective that the real wealth is in the basics: Health. Family. Friendships. Self-love.

This is my favorite part of the post
Thanks for impacting knowledge now and always, being wealthy isn’t the accumulation of riches but the ability to rise up again after the riches vanished either by accident or by self deeds that’s being wealthy.

I’m not picking on you just trying to enlighten me and you more on riches and wealth .

I understand what you are saying and the impact of losing what one had with wealth has made the author realise that there is wealth in other forms. I know and get that totally and have always said myself that without health and all the others you can't enjoy the wealth.

True words, I totally agree with the conclusive part of the reply. Keep steeming and touching lives

While its absolutely true that real wealth is not about money, one should always take reasonable steps to recover losses if they are available. This is especially true if it is helping a community they are part of.

That's why everyone who has seen the value of their crypto holdings fall hugely since Facebook censored the Crypto Community by banning its ads should Join the Class Action against the illegal Crypto Ad Ban!

My b.f and I lost 25k between us for not taking profits at the peak too. He had the bulk of it, so it's hit him far harder. He still beats him self up about it and then feel's angry at him self and say's things like 'oh it's only money i should not get so upset etc'. I have told him it's ok to be upset, it's not just money, it was a hope of a bit of financial freedom, we've learned our lesson we essentially got greedy- it will go up more etc. You and us and probably most of the people invested did exactly the same thing.

The crypto world since then has been rather disheartening, but as you said it's all in waves, it can't be stagnant - it feels it at the moment, but the next wave will come.

We'd probably have blown it all anyway! Ha terrible with money. With me not working full time at the moment either we're learning how to handle it much better, never realised how wasteful i was with it, and i always believed my self to be 'good' with money. The last 6 months has been tough, bills aside, i have learned that i can actually get by with next to nothing, i would not choose to be in this position no, but as each month passes im less fearful, i am getting by, don't get me wrong is sucks balls! But once bills are paid, it' surprising how very little you actually need. The rest is just stuff you want. Im going to make him read this blog, i think it would help him.

Hi @rok-sivante, I do fully agreed that a crypto boom can make one millionaires but the actual wealth is all about the character one owns. Values and norms matter a lot in one's life to make it worthy. It is all about the approach one adopts to tackle various situations of life in honest way. Yes, real wealth is hidden how one supports the fellow humans.

Character... honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, honor, dignity, respectfulness, patience, compassion... character takes many shapes and forms, developed through maturity, and often cultivated through the process of transforming knowledge to wisdom through its embodiment.

Thank you so much for giving the motivation to live a wonderful life :)

Just paying it forward brother, as now it is your responsibility to carry the torch onwards... ;-)


I always try my level best to adopt these traits and I promise to excel in it. Off course it is the duty of all of us to carry these traits to earn the real wealth, once again thanks lot :)

Estimado amigo @rok-sivante daré mi opinión al respecto:
  • Me encantó tu post.
  • Es inspirador
  • Siento que ante todo debemos conocer nuestras actitudes y aptitudes, sabes para que somos buenos, hacer un estudio de nuestro ser, de lo profundo para conocer a plenitud que donde poseemos, que función cumpliremos en nuestra vida.
    Luego conocer nuestras fortalezas y debilidades, ero también las amenazas y oportunidades.
    Es un excelente relato me fascina leerte.
    Dear friend @rok-sivante I will give my opinion about it:
  • I loved your post.
  • It's inspiring
  • I feel that first of all we must know our attitudes and aptitudes, you know what we are good at, study our being, how deep we are in order to fully know where we are, what function we will fulfill in our lives.
    It is an excellent story that fascinates me to read to you.
    It is an excellent story.

    I just love the way you use this post to touch different aspect of life, setting examples with yourself. You talked about wealth and riches and also pains and gain. I love all part of the story and i must say this line inspired me more.

    And for all the goal-setting and planning we could do, sometimes life just takes a different course we can't foresee.
    Using my self as an example, i always plan with what i have, set budget for myself and focus on building more. I learnt the hard way from that your lines when i purchased that stuff i told you about and l will i say the enemies or negative side of life struck me with his plan and almost took away everything i have. Thanks to you @rok-sivante who saved my ass . Now you can see that at times we planned and it will go as planned while at times at will be a nail on the butt.

    I know there is that greed that always says in us, dont sell yet, keep acquiring, that is life for us. We are always wise when it has happened. Bad part is that you can also sell back then at January and now, you wont be able to account for it.. That is the nature of life.

    I saw two friends who worked at same company been paid $500 and one was able to use/account for his money after 15 years while the other wasnt able to account for it. funny enough the one that was able to account for his, was the one that is always womanize. You see, different stroke for different ...

    bottom line, Life has it own plan even when you planned.

              We learn everyday @rok-sivante. 
              I pray we dont make same mistake 
               twice, that could be the worse effect.

    Everything happens for a reason...if you have not cashed in January doesn't matter...may be something more benefecial waiting for you..time is important and fruitful.
    Anyhow, My dad use to say...Money is not everything...."Love & Respect that you give and earn is the real wealth of your life. People always remember you for your good deed rather than for your money"
    Btw love to know...monetary investment is importanf to be successful or the knowledge of writing, and expression of thought make people sucessful on steemit?

    Posted using Partiko Android

    The grammatical correctness of your last question is a bit off, so not 100% clear... though if I’m interpreting correctly, I’d say more the latter... (and the monetary piece might be more the fruits)

    Oh my bad..i didnt noticed...
    As you mentioned, over the post that, you have capitalised on your experience and knowledge, when you were introduced to Steemit , once back to question was on that only
    If people need to invest money to buy steem and increase their influence or just keep up blogging and sharing and earn rewards to be successful??

    I feel all whales and dolphins have invested their money in Steem thats why they were sitting on me if I am wrong..

    Posted using Partiko Android

    All I invested was my time and energy.

    Though, it’d be a delusion to say anyone could repeat my success, as it was partly a matter of timing, and partly due to the internal value I had brought to and leveraged through the platform.

    There are numerous paths to success, whether on Steemit or in other ventures. Though the increase of those 6 internal values will always reap results exponentially greater than mere financial investments.

    (And even the financial investment game requires a certain degree of knowledge, talent, and purpose to succeed...)

    Understood....but i asked a generic question with your post reference. Noting specific about you only.

    I saw many bigwigs not posting any content yet many user are following them in hope to get some love....obviously such bigwigs have their investment back up

    Posted using Partiko Android

    I wasn’t the only one here who’s done well financially here by investing nothing but time and energy creating content.

    So there’s your answer right there. No theory. Actual results.

    The two most important things for me are purpose and character. If you have those two I feel everythimg else just falls in place.

    All these tips with my hat off to the writer @rok-sivante

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