This Is What 98% Of People Aren’t Doing! | Gary Vaynerchuk
If you want to be an anomaly you have to act like one like people want all these special things to happen but then they're acting like everybody else it's just an incredible time and i think the way people look at the world right now because it's such an incredible time is actually the quickest tell to who they are if you think it sucks but it's bad you have losing pessimistic dna and if ,
You think it's awesome and phenomenal you have optimistic winning dna my lack of interest in complaining is so high and when i watch what people complain about it breaks my heart because they completely lack perspective and i genuinely believe my happiness and optimism comes from my perspective there's so many people that are talking about how big of an entrepreneur they're going to be.
And how much they're going to achieve and they don't work on weekends you know i worked every saturday of my 20s like and i talked to 20 year old entrepreneurs every single day lately i've been saying to them this saturday you're going to have more time off than i've had in my entire 20s so like before you tell me how you're going to be bigger than me start thinking about
What you're actually doing right i think positivity and good is practical advice to building an empire and i want to be the poster child of the person that built the biggest baddest empire and did it by being a good dude along the way i plan to instill kindness into my kids i plan on instilling perspective into my kids i plan in instilling just being a good
Human being right like i don't need them to be an entrepreneur i don't need them to make me proud they don't need to go to harvard they don't need to do they need to be themselves all in and they need to be kind and i'm good i don't judge myself i'm fully in love with myself but i'm also fully in love with everybody else too it goes both ways
Like i tell people to buy into me that work for me it's because i buy into them first i don't need anybody to gain trust with me it's there the reality is is that it's just never been better to be a human being it's that's just the truth that's just data that's that's reality and not everybody's gonna be happy about everything i did but if it's 97
Of people talking good behind your back that's a real legacy and i want to do it in a pop culture way i'm going to do it anyway people have done that before just so you know there's plenty of people warren buffett's a really good dude like there's plenty of people that have done that there's a difference i want to do it and i want to be a rock star right like and that's where you
Influence people like you know like i want to do it but i also want to be the most popular and so then that person's like oh i want to be him so i guess i'll be nice like i want to literally take people who have dna that's kind of nice and make them more nice because they think that's how i became big so i basically want to trick the
Business world into becoming kinder i'm careful to not give advice that i know is uniquely something that i was gifted with like i how do i tell you that oh here's how it actually works and it almost started happening it didn't happen like i actually get goosebumps like actually like real heavy goose bumps when i hear something that i know feels right
The closer they are to the sun the harder they work and i'm like aha and so i definitely feel like i learned hard work by watching my parents um and so it's why i talk so much about hustle i watch people give advice completely predicated on natural talent and dna and i'm like look like i get it like i can throw a football
Every day for nine hours a day i'm just not physically built to be competitive at the highest levels so yeah i do think you know if anybody watching right now if there's anything they take away it's like look like you're going to only be so pretty you're only going to be so smart like you like there's there's things that are going to be natural and there's things that you can Actually control i do believe and i don't know if i'm right or wrong i don't but i do believe that work ethic is a taught behavior it's something you do have more control over and so i feel like there's a shift that can make people work harder if you're complaining like to me life is broken down into complaining and not so if you're not complaining well then i have no i have no advice for you we're beating ourselves up
The human race is so grossly underrated we are good of course we have some bad there's seven billion of us but like when you look at our net score it's bonkers like do you know which damage we could be doing to each other on a hourly basis and we don't like we're still here like we won we're the alpha being and we've figured out how to stay together This is insane when you think about it and yet everybody wants to dwell on like somebody said something mean karma is practical i love how people think karma is like this weird thing doing good for other people is a good strategy like i i like it's like you know i've been like trying to i'm like why does this thing even exist it's actually the most common sense thing of all time why is karma
Seem weird the is karma like wait a minute so you're telling me like if you do lots of good things that weirdly good things happen to you yeah that seems like common sense like it's amazing to me anyway i tried to do all the right things it's we started rolling there there seemed to be an opportunity for somebody to sit above our current head of hr um and so We decided there was that opportunity but i could not call her the head of hr i did not want the world to think of that's what we were doing and i wanted her to sit at the pedestal as the most important person in the company besides me more than the cfo more than coo which got you into chief right and then you know heart just seemed right like it just seemed like a nice word you know so what it would you know
Inspire two 14 year old girls in kansas city right now to build a billion dollar company on having a bunch of employees hugging each other in the halls i think that steve jobs came along became an icon but the sad part of that narrative was he did not treat his employees well he became an icon and the narrative became he got the most Out of people by being a jerk and that became romanticized and a lot of people in silicon valley today run companies where they're mean because they think that's the right thing to do because they put steve jobs on a pedestal i want my pedestal moment i want to become that big and what i want to come from that is that kids that aren't even born today think that they can build a five billion
Dollar company and be a great guy or a great gal i want to build the biggest building in town ever by just building the biggest building in town while i think most people try to tear down everybody else's building so i think positivity and good is practical advice to building an empire and i want to be the poster child of the person that built the biggest baddest empire and did it .
By being a good dude along the way you