The conspirators.
What has morphed into today’s West, has been led by some of the wealthiest people on the planet since at least turn of the century 1900 if not before. It’s ultra wealthy billionaires today that have enough disposable income to bribe, coerce and otherwise seduce politicians, news and media celebrities, appointed government officials, fake scientists and academics that can’t function without grants and seed money to industrialists that gets handed out with the stipulation that they maintain silence, or advocate for, the establishment’s censored and falsified narratives designed to manipulate and exploit worldwide humanity to the extent they’re able.
How was it Elon Musk is the only Billionaire trying to bring the necessity of free speech versus the ongoing elimination thereof to the forefront - while part of the indoctrinated public, instead of using the information released in the Twitter Files to advance free speech issues, tell us Musk is a gate keeper and controlled opposition, not genuinely supporting free speech? The public, and anyone else concerned about what further loss of free speech rights will bring, should have taken that free speech ball and ran with it as far as they could; instead they stand around regurgitating defeatist propaganda or ignoring reality altogether while indulging further in feel good and temporary illusions.
The entire West is joke in the way that all the establishment needs to do to maintain the exploitative and criminal status quo, is keep the public confused and divided by pumping absolute b.s. into the public information streams.
Presently - at the core of most human beings, seems to be unprincipled opportunists concerned about themselves more than anything else - while indulging the “self” has been made synonymous with individual freedom for the ruling elites, regardless of the crimes and consequences society suffers as a result. Going along with the Western establishment’s programs since the preplanned aftermath of 9-11 was imposed, consolidating as much wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands, has already proven disastrous while the economic consequences from damage already done, has not yet worked its way through the system to where it’s fully felt by the public.
Where and when will the bottom be hit? Will people stand by watching until the system crushes them personally? As adaptable as we are, imagine what humans could accomplish if indoctrinated into a self sustaining system that actually promoted equal rights and opportunities to the extent humanly possible.