There are varying levels of wealth:
- Living within your means - Budgeting your money (getting into good habits and telling your money where to go)
- Have a fully funded emergency fund
- Pay off high-interest debt
- Contributing to a retirement account at work to earn an employer contribution match
- Utilize IRA contributions
- Utilize HSA account for tax-advantaged health care expenses
- Max out retirement accounts/IRAs
- Education accounts for children (529s, etc... doesn't have to go to college btw)
- Non-tax advantaged accounts
- Hyper-accumulation (Continue contributing and allow compound interest to take you to another tax bracket)
- Pay off any remaining lower-interest debt (if you want to carry no debt, if you reach this point you probably already know what you're doing with finances and can hedge inflation with low-interest rates, etc....)
Here's the sad reality - Most people will never even get to phase 1! 😕😱
The saddest thing is every kid can learn these principles from an extremely young age yet hardly any parents out there follow them, let alone can teach their kids.